97 xp no beeps or gauges but runs

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New Member
I recently bought a 97 xp and started the process of getting it ready to run with no prior history. I got lucky and after installing newly purchased and charged battery it fires right up! I put in gas conditioner and then filled it up and have run about 1/2 the tank and it runs great after cleaning fuel strainer.

The problem is when the lanyard connects it does not beep at all. I tried the five start presses to hear diagnostics but nothing either. It starts right up and runs great but no gauges. I'm a little afraid of running without any warning gauges in case of loss of oil pressure. All fuses looked good. I'm hoping to get back to pick up my multi-meter tonight.


the eagle
added info

I borrowed a multi-meter and it looks like it gets a surge when connected to the buzzer connector so maybe just bad buzzer. I also got the VTS operating (luckily after cleaning connections) fuel gauge and speed are dead and I don't know about the oil sensor. If I keep an eye on fuel and oil I should be able to run safely right? I am going to look for a low volt buzzer to install under the hood and see how that works. Is this the right idea or am I missing something?
You got it!....

Sounds like your on the right path. After reading your first post, I was going to recommend you get a test light and pull the plug and test it when you put the cap on.
The gages could be your wire connections. Pull your plugs apart and look for any signs of corrosion. The greenish or whitish kinda stuff. If you see bad conecitons, get some electrcal cleaner then, use some die eletric grease to create a nice, water tight seal.
Make sure you check all the fuses, which you say you have. I see your also a premium member.
In your manual, look in the electrical section, under gages and accessories and you should find a series of simple test to try and isolate the problem. If it applies to more than one gage, then it seems it may be from a local point, like the power supply to that area, etc....
Let me know if you think you may need some help interpreting which direction you think you need to take, if you have a problem understanding what it is there asking you to do. You will need a multi tester.
will do

thanks man! It's nice to have a better trained mind than my own on the problem. I did not see the tests for the gauges in the manual but will find them and get on it. I'm glad I joined up and will report back the news.
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