I apologize in advance. First time women boat owner so have patience with me as I don't know the proper names for engine or mechanical issues. Will do my best to describe parts. Just purchased a 97 single engine 85 HP sportster. Added premium fuel today for the first time since boat already had a 1/2 tank of gas when purchased. While traveling thru a "no wake" zone boat stalled out 2 times and restarted immediately without any problems. Engine rans great. I did forget to recap when I flushed the engine out a week ago. After recapping flushing intake plug and a Couple hours later, again, while in a "no wake" zone boat stalled out another 2 times. Again, boat restarted immediately and engine ran great? The boat was only ran for a total of 30 mins in a "no wake" zone before noticing I didn't replace the flushing cap. My friend thinks it might be the "ignition key" losing connection?????? Any ideas what may be causing boat to stall would be greatly appreciated. Adding the new fuel today is the only change that was made before the "stalling" begun.