Hey guys,
bless this forum, if it weren't for this i'd be banging my head against the wall.
My 97 speedster, brand new batteries, all fuseses operatinoal, all elctercial systems GO, but when i put in the lanyard, instead of the usual 2 beeps, i get just one. and the engine won't take a self.
i have power in everything. just no darn self.
someone please act the life saver.
thanks a truck load
bless this forum, if it weren't for this i'd be banging my head against the wall.
My 97 speedster, brand new batteries, all fuseses operatinoal, all elctercial systems GO, but when i put in the lanyard, instead of the usual 2 beeps, i get just one. and the engine won't take a self.
i have power in everything. just no darn self.
someone please act the life saver.
thanks a truck load