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Ripped all the old mats out an filled the rivet holes with silicone.
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I Buffed out most of the haul with a wired drill which i ended up burning the bit out because i couldn't tighten it for whatever reason could have done a lot better job but had to cut everything short because of that. I have a buffer i could have borrowed but was in a hurry lol.
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Painted the seat with vinyl spray paint.
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Put new hand grips on and new start button
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Spray painted the bumpers with bumper spray paint from advanced auto
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Krylon fusion + kyrlon fusion clear coat, i screwed up the clear coat and put it on after 30minutes of dry time from base coats an says within 4 to 24 hours but i'll do it all again another time.
Hydro Turf self adhesive mats on and this is pretty much where its at now.
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