97 GTX No beep No Start

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New Member
Hello fellows. New to the forums, long time mechanic, new to PWC. I have a 97 GTX that I’m trying winterize, but I can’t get it to start. The battery was low from sitting for around 6 weeks or so. Here’s what I did, and where I’m at now.

I connected a jumper pack, one of the portable ones, to charge the battery while it was in the ski. I couldn’t get the battery to charge up enough with the pack so I took the battery out to charge it. At this point, I was still getting the 2 beeps when I hooked up the lanyard.

I charged the battery and reinstalled. I don’t get any beeps when I connect the lanyard. I’ve checked the fuses in the MPEM and they are all good. I tried pressing the start button 5 times, but I don’t get the confirmation beeps after that. All of the gauges come up, I can here the fuel pump run, but no beeps, and the start button will not engage the starter.

Any ideas?

It sounds like your post is either needing to be cleaned or is bad. The manual recommends that you use nothing on these components but mild soapy water. Do not put die electric grease of any type CRC cleaner on them. The DESS (digital electronic security system) is very sensitive, there's a microchip embedded in it.
That may sound strange but I was having electrical problems with my boat sometimes giving me my beeps and sometimes not. I'd put it in the water, running 50 mph and it would shut down. Sometimes, I could start it back up, but when I had to get towed back to the pier, I ordered a new post, haven't had the problem since!
You know, another thought, the gages and fuel pump doesn't require a lot of amps to operate. Check your ground at the starter. And I do know, that if you don't have a really hot battery, the electrical system won't even begin to attempt a start.
BTW, my model is the 97 Challenger with the 787 engine.
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I would check the battery and see if it is any good. It might have only like 6 volts, enougth to wake up the gauges but not turn over the starter. Also If the battery pack wouldn't help it could be because it is beyond the point of return. It isn't advisable to use a jump pack or jump start the battery attached to the electrical, as it has a chance of surging the electrical componets and causing more electrical problems. Always charge it disconnected, and when your checking it do so with a a load tester.(checks it under a power load) Let us know if we can help anymore.
cleaning the dess

I have found one of the best cleaners is a standard pencil eraser. They are great at cleaning elect. terminals etc that can not have solvent on them. They have just the right amount of abrasive and can reach most places. They come with their own stick!:hurray:
That's not only a great tip, but it has a end for writting too...multi use tool for the tool box...found everywhere, what a concept. We should start a thread on special tools/common items, with a multi use. It might make for a good read. Hhhhmmmm......
Thanks for all of the input fellows. I went back and cleaned the battery posts and cables. I also double checked all of the wiring harness connections. Before I put everything pack together I went ahead and cleaned the key post like seadoosnipe suggested. Much to my relief I got the two beeps and she fired right up.

Then job well done!............shows you right there how much fun we have in the forums friendly atmosphere, helping others.
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