Active Member
Got a couple of issues I could use some help with. The ski is running great and didn't take on any water during the day, but after leaving it in the lake overnight it took on about 3-4 gallons of water. I believe it's leaking around the carbon seal. I tried running it to get the water out using the bailer's, but it was missing bad and wouldn't get up to speed. After using a solo cup to bail it out, it ran great. First, why would it miss with the 3-4 gallons in the ski? Is it possible the seal around the magneto has failed and water got in there? I checked the rear electrical box and it was dry. Second, I pulled the housing and prop last year and looked at the carbon seal. It's looks fine, and I did my best to align the engine so the seal is seated correctly, but it's still leaking. Any tips on if I need to replace the seal and the best way to align it?