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97 GTI runs strong then dies out????

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New Member
I'm CORN FUSED!!!!! It has been running great for the past 6 to 8 weeks
Just yesterday running strong for about 1/2 mile then started to die out like it wasn’t getting any gas. Let it sit for about 20 min and ran fine for about 1/2 mile and same thing. It did this five or six times and then I noted I was going farther and farther but still doing the same thing up to about a full mile before dying out not shutting off It will idle and start to go but it sounds like its not getting gas. And I have to let it sit for 15 to 20 min.
I have change out the fuel lines weeks ago and none of the line are loose.
The fuel filter is fine. The only thing that has changed is the amount of gas that is in it. I have filled it to just above the 3/4 mark on the gas gage and that it. All most the more gas I used the longer it would run before die out.
The fuel line and petcock all free and unplugged.
Need some Ideas.
Thanks, Rabbit.
Make sure you remove and clean the internal filters inside of the carbs. Also try running it on Reserve, if it does better, then clean the selector switch real good.

Selector switch is what I meant by petcock. Yes it’s clean and the tanks vent is good. Filters in the carburetor, can I get to them from the sides or do I have to take the carburetor off? If I have to take the carburetor off should I just go and do a rebuild on the carburetor and dose the kit come with a diaphragm for the fuel pump or is that a separate kit? When I took it out to day it’s doing the same thing it pulsating revs going up and down as it dies to a slower speed. (40 to 30 to 35 back to 30 then down to 25 to 15 and so on over 100 yards or so.
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Yeah, you gotta take the carbs apart to get to the filters. Might as well buy a couple of rebuild kits so you know everything is good when you put it all back together again. The fuel pump rebuild kits are separate.
For a 97 the carb looked new. I was able to take off the carb without hurting the gaskets. Over looked the diaphragms and they looked fine. The filter on the other hand had more grit then a sand box cleaned it out and put it back together. And it runs great.
Thank you for all your help. G-Rabbit.:cheers:
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