97 gti problems

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New Member
Brought 2 seadoo's on a single trailor for me and the kids, a 03 gti and a 97gti, the newer ski is great but the older one hasn't completed one outing. Problems were wouldn't start, fixed, then no power, new plugs but now seems to run rough at times and dies occasionally when hot, will run fine for a while after cools down, then plays up again. The ski appeared to be immaculate but kids have lost all faith and patience. Any suggestions? When do you give up and try to get out, the nearest service is 2 hours away and have spent more time on the road than in the water.:( just want to have one day with both running. Last weekend the 03 one went down with no battery charging on the road again. I don't think the service guy has any idea about the 97 one. Any help or advice would be great thanks.
97 problems....

Hatch, the 97 model uses the 717cc Rotax engine, which is a simple and reliable engine. I think between you and I (and the rest of the forum crew), we can find a solution or at least the gremlin, that's causing your problem. We will need to start with the basics. If you have a compression gage, we need to know what your compression is. Then, we can look at other things, like your carbs.....
If compression turns out to be good, then I'm thinking your carbs may be leaning out on you. Also, pull off your spark plugs and see what the electrode looks like. If you don't know how to read a spark plug, check out this NGK web link, it may be of help to you.....http://www.ngksparkplugs.com/techinfo/spark_plugs/faq/faqread2.asp
Then, we'll also need to look over your fuel system leading to your carbs. Vent lines need to be clear, no obstructions in your filter and if all is good, need to look into the carbs inside filter.
This is a simple engine if you'd like to have a go at it yourself. You don't have to be a master engine builder to work on one of these, just know the difference between an 8mm and 10mm wrench.
Did you say you had an electrical problem? Said it wouldn't start? No electrical power?........
Fill me in on all the details...........
Welcome to the seadoo forum.:agree: I agree with seadoosnipe, with all the active members here we can help get you back in the water quickly with a little more input on the problem. You might think about joining as premium member so you can down load a authentic seadoo repair manual from the seadoo forum library. The manual contains trouble shooting guides and procedures that will help you repair and solve any problems you might encounter. We will also be better equipped to help you solve the problem your having as we will be on the same page of what needs to be looked at. Click on the "Seadoo Manuals" link at the top of the page for more details. The manual is either readable on line as a PDF file or downloaded to print for your personal and privet use. I have been a premium member for quite a while and it has been a blessing in disguise with all the information available.

just from what I read, i would guess Two things... One actually causing the second.

First I am willing to bet you still have the grey fuel lines on the 97, these deteriorate causing the fuel filters in the carbs to get plugged up. (9 to 1 says they are plugged) the fuel lines should have been changed long ago yet I still see tons of these older skis with the same fuel lines.

Second due to the filters being plugged, you have a lean condition that has seized the pistons more than a few times, causing extreme wear on the pistons and rings so now you have low compression on 1 or more cylinders. im also betting its the rear cylinder as it is most suseptable to the leaning from clogged filters.

I bet the ski is a real bugger to get started the first time each time you take it out. which may have caused your starting problem puting excessive wear on the starter and relay.

pistons are made from aluminum and therefore expand faster than the cylinder walls when they get hot. a lean condition will cause them to get hot faster thus: you are running the ski and when it is cold all is well. As it heats up from the lean condition the pistons swell and get tighter and tighter in the cylinders till they have a hard time going up and down and eventually seize till they cool and then the process is repeated.
Good advice!

I read your reply in detail Mike, sounds very logical. We have several problems that sound fuel related and so far, I've only had one tell me that he had the old grey lines and wanted to replace them. He thought it would be a specialty item......I directed him to his local auto parts store.
The info on the way the fuel circuit is, with the MAG carb actually hooked up to the pulse and fuel inlet lines makes good sense too that, when there is a fuel problem, the PTO carb will be the first one starved.........
Great advice!............
Thanks for your answer guys. Sorry for not getting back to you. The ski's are at the service place, mainly to fix electrical problems with the 03 one but they still have no idea as to the power problems with the older one. Once they're back and tested i will take up your offer of help thanks very much
I took your advice and got service manuals so hopefully the community can help with the problems and we can finally have some fun.
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