Again, my first ride ever this Memorial weekend. What a fun boat!!! I've been tinkering with it for a couple months but got it out and am impressed.
1) Has anyone had a problem with the Start/Stop button intermittantly working? I know it is in Neutral since I hear the single beep but the button only works once in five or ten tries before the engine cranks. In other words, I hit the button and nothing happens at all. I keep hitting the start button and it finally cranks. Just a bad button or something more?
2) Is there anyone out there (with single engine) who would be willing to talk to me on the phone (EST Timezone)about this boat? I just want to know what is normal operation. i.e. How to long to come up on plane, fuse panel, can you pull a skier with a single engine boat, what's "normal not " top speed. I do have the service manual and operations manual but some of my questions don't fit in the manual.
Thanks for all the help!
Again, my first ride ever this Memorial weekend. What a fun boat!!! I've been tinkering with it for a couple months but got it out and am impressed.
1) Has anyone had a problem with the Start/Stop button intermittantly working? I know it is in Neutral since I hear the single beep but the button only works once in five or ten tries before the engine cranks. In other words, I hit the button and nothing happens at all. I keep hitting the start button and it finally cranks. Just a bad button or something more?
2) Is there anyone out there (with single engine) who would be willing to talk to me on the phone (EST Timezone)about this boat? I just want to know what is normal operation. i.e. How to long to come up on plane, fuse panel, can you pull a skier with a single engine boat, what's "normal not " top speed. I do have the service manual and operations manual but some of my questions don't fit in the manual.
Thanks for all the help!