My dad used to repair watercraft all the time for business about 10 years back. So we bought a 97 challenger 1800. Both engines were rebuild by him along with everything else we did. New fuel and oil lines. Mpem and electrical box came off of a boat that had two engines in it and it started both engines. We finally got everything hooked up and oil and premix fuel in it to start them up. He went to go start them today on fogging oil and brake cleaner like he always has done. But the engines all they do is turn over without making an effort to start. The driver side engine is getting fuel in the filter but the passenger side engine is not. The wiring harness is the one that was in the boat and we did not switch that out. We checked all fuses and every electrical connection we made was with dielectric grease. We are stuck scratching our heads and need some help on what it could possibly be. Any help would be greatly appreciated.