I have had my 96 XP since new, and usually good on maintenance, but missed the one on the vts bellows. This year had the stuck vts. Just clicking and blowing fueses. Yup water in the vts, bad module. Luckily slider bar magnet still there. I first tried ebay for a used module, one from a 96xp he said was a working unit. I ask how I could be sure it worked since no returns, he said he personally removes them from working skis. Moduel looked good when I received it but no gauge signal. Brown wires had no reading at all. So much for a working unit. He did refund me after the return. Not many 96 XP modules out there being 25 years old. I started looking for a new one but they had shorter wires and different conectors. The 278001605 module seemed to be the most common but only a 20 inch harness and 6 pin conectors. Solution, use my vts harness as the extension cord with the corasponding weather pack connector. I decided on a new 1605 moduel from amazon by a dealer in texas, what could go wrong. The new unit they sent had no date/ssn on it and had previously been installed in a ski then removed. They even pulled off the female motor wire and crimped on a cheap male connector. Very disappointed they would send that unit out at all. I returned this unit also, not paying new price for a used unit. I finally just drove the 2 hour trip to a Missouri dealer to look at the 278001605 they had. It was actually new and manufactured in 2018. I used a connector kit from auto zone #MSD8170 and soldered the ends on. New motor(watch out for plastic ones), bellows, and all works. Only took 3 tries to get a good moduel. No more 25 year old ones.