Here is the quick and dirty. I thought I was getting water in the cylinder which was causing the skipping/surging at WOT, I did have some water on the plug. Replaced O-rings, and finally the cylinder base gasket to get that problem corrected. Now no more water on the plugs, but at WOT it screams for a couple of seconds then starts to hesitate and then it will pick back up for a second then falls back down again. If I back off a little it runs perfect. I can hold it at about 7/8 throttle and it runs fine, but when I open her up all they way it starts the surging again. I am thinking carbs are gummed up and can't supply enough fuel at WOT which then causes the surging. I am kicking myself because I didn't think of pulling the coke when it was doing this. If it picked then I would know it was a carb problem. (used that trick when I worked on outboards). Here is another red flag. I don't think the carbs have ever been touched! So should I order carb kits and a kit for the fuel pump? What do you experts suggest? Thanks for your help.