96 XP Strap In Flywheel

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New Member
ok so ive been having problems with my 96 xp. we all went out riding about a week and a half ago. the ski was running fine all day. until it made a thump and scared the hell out of my friend because all though the engine sounds as though it is runnin at top notch full speed, the ski only goes around 10 mph. so the symptoms being the ski is running at the correct rpm and the engine sounding great. so i though it was a trashed wear ring, well it wasnt, the wear ring is fine. i was left scratching my head until i opened up the flywheel cover and found that one of the straps that hold in the gas tank, had come off, slid to the back of the ski, and become twisted around and lodged in the back of the flywheel. i could only pull about half of it out.

how can i get the rest out???
what other problems could this have caused???
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