96 xp starting issues

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on my 96 xp, ive been haveing problems getting it to start or even beep. i bought a new battery and a new charger to charge the battery. i filled the battery with acid and charged till the charger said it was at a full charge. i opened my jetski put the battery in and wired it up. i took the key and put in no beeps. i tired pushing the start button, nothing. i looked in the igntion box for a fuse, i didnt find it. but i did find a solenoid, so i got my screwdriver and touched the 2 screws togather and it turned over. so why isnt not beeping or wanting to start though the button?
I have a 96 xp, and I was having the same problem. It turned out my problem was the start button was stuck in the on position, causing all sorts of confusion with the mpem, even with the right key, I got nothing, no vts movement, no beeps, gauges... So that could be your problem (expensive switch...$100). Also, check the key post ($90), it could be that it is corroded inside and can not read the key, last thing to check would be the key, try sticking another key on the post (a key from another seadoo would still give you one beep) that would be a good way to check to see if the post is bad, if you get a beep then you know your post is good and your key is bad. So if you can find a seadoo key that would be the first thing I would check. Good luck

im trying to still start though the screwdriver and its not starting. ive primed it and used starting fluid but nothing. i checked to see if it was getting spark (stick a screwdriver into plug wire boot and hold it near the block, then try and start it and see if it arcs to the block, arc = spark.) so what could be the problem now? or is it the same problem as posted above?
Good advice....

Good advice Hockeyjoe. There are a couple test.....you'll need a multi meter to do them. I don't have the time right now to go over them, but pm me later in case I forget. I"m on nightshift tonight so I'll have 12 hours then to help you out. Just PM me in case I forget. I'm backing up today because I'm working on my own 787cc right now.
It does sound very much like your post is dead. There is a 4 step test we can do on it. If you can, disconnect your battery and take out the post. Or, if easier, you can test it there. But you have to have access to the plug that connects it to your electrical system. I know there are a couple test already printed in the forum, I just can't remember what year. So, if you find it, look at the year and you may be able to use his test.......

how many fuses are on this jetski ive found 3. i checked them and 1 was blown ( 5 amp fuse next to the 15 amp) so i replaced and put the key in and nothing.
well you have your front box where the mpem is, that has i think 2 or 3 and some relays...then in your rear box next to the battery there are 2 (i think). I don't think your problem is a blown fuse, (and that would be too easy anyway!). If you can get your hands on a seadoo key easier than a multimeter, stick it on the post and see what you get, one beep means go get a new key (you have to bring the ski to get the key programed to the mpem). The post is tough to test though, because you can still have power going to it if you test it with an electrical tester, but because its got a magnet and whatever else inside it could still be bad. Do a search in the recent threads....I remember seadoosnipe explaining the test for the post to someone. You'll need a multimeter.
Good luck.....Don't you love boats??

ok im going to try the differnt key test my uncle has a 96 xp too so ill go snag his key. do u know like exactly where those 2 fuses are in the box near the battery because ive looked and no luck
I just realized you said you were testing for spark.... Does that mean your engine is cranking, or is that when you bypass the key and power the starter yourself? Did you get spark?? Not that it matters with your key problem but i didnt see if you did or not (you can keep the plug in the spark plug wire and touch the plug to ground, like unpainted part of engine, to test spark, think its a little easier, dont have to worry that your gap is too close/far like with the screw driver method)

when i bypass the start with the screwdriver on the soleniod screws it will crank but im goin to go try the testing with the spark plug thing rite now so give me bout 5 mins
to late

its dark where im at so ill test it tomorrow. u wouldnt happen to know a good way to test the post? and since i think its the post, do u know a good site to get replacement parts?

If your blowing the 5 amp fuse, then the possiblity of your mpem being bad is very high. Normally, if the mpem is bad, you'll get a series of beeps. I'll see if I can look it up for you. I'll be editing this post if I find more info for you.

O.k......lets go over a couple things. You need to check all your electrical connections really well, especially your ground. Since your able to jump your solenoid, I would think they are o.k. It does seem to be your DESS post. When you put on your DESS lanyard cap and you've got a good charged battery, you should get two beeps. That means all is well, lets go ridin. If you get 8 short beeps, that means your mpem is bad, replace it. If you get 4 long beeps, that means your mpem cannot communicate with your CD-CDI module, it may have a bad fuse or need replacing..etc...that goes into a different direction to another problem. But your not getting anything. Leads me to believe it's your post.
Your test on your PWC is quite easy. Look into where your DESS post plug is. Disconnect it. You should have one Black wire and one wire that is Black with a yellow strip in it. With the cap off, test the two wires with your lead, you should have an open circuit. With the cap on, you should have very close to "0"......let us know what you find out!..........
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i dont think its the mpem because the fuse it blowing now. but its blowing when i cross the solenoid with a screw driver. and i would listen for beeps but for some reason by seadoo doesnt beep i think its the post but im not sure how to determine if thats what is bad
Post 12....

I just edited post 12 for more info......I thought the same thing, but normally, if you keep blowing the mpem 5 amp fuse, then it usually means problems....but you should hear the beeps I've listed in post 12....check it out, see if it helps you......:cheers:
post replaceing

ok ty seadoosnipe and hockeyjoe09 for your help. but its very dark here so im going to check the post tomorrow. while im inside waiting for the sun to rise do you know of any good sites to buy a replacement post?

I think I did a search of the vendors already on your post and didnt' see one readily available....but let me look again real quick....If nothing else, I can get you a part number.
I'll be back in a minute, after I exhaust my resources......

O.K....it wasn't your post I looked for earlier....must have been someone else. Your P/N is 278000830 and it will set you back about $87.49 plus shipping and handling. You may find this part at http://www.babbittsonline.com/pages/parts/viewbrands/search/5/default.aspx
There you go. If you'd like to check with your local Seadoo dealership, call their parts department and give them that part number I gave you above. You'll probably be surprised to hear them say about .........oh, I'll guess, $140.00.............good luck. But do the test before you purchase it.
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It doesn't matter...

It doesn't matter for yours. The model number is probably because they were split in mid year. You can look on the back of the ski, where the H.I.N. is on the right hand side, and send them to me and I'll tell you. But for parts reference, they are the same.
I paid $87 at the dealer for a post same ski, same year....Call your closest dealer, I tried 2 places to compare prices and both had it in stock and both had it listed for the same price.
Lucky you!..

I needed a throttle cable, online, it was $85 bucks. I called my local Sea-Doo dealer (only one where I live) and he wanted $140 bucks for it........I was shocked. I told the guy I saw it online for $85 and he told me to buy it online then.
I've never called that guy again for anything else. The nearest one to me now is about 1 and 1/2 hours away in Gulf Shores........:ack:
Yes...more than likely!...

Yes, more than likely, it's gonna be your post. Did you do the multi meter test on it to check the resistance? That's the sure fire way of knowing.
Did you do the test in post #12?
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sounds like the problem i just had with my 96 xp no beeps, lights or anything,
i found a bad ground. check your electrical box there will be a ground with about six wires on it. check it to engine ground. if not trace out wires.

hope this helps
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