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96 xp power issues

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New Member
hi guys im new here and i gotta quick question that i hope you all can answer.

my xp was running great last friday. until it took in a little salt water. i fixed it up and it idles fine. when i go to give it gas, it wont run. it sounds as if it is flooding itself. i think it is the opposite.

should i just clean out the carbs, their a pain in the but to take off b/c the bolts are stuck so can i just use the fuel additive and see how that goes? thanks for the help in advance.

ask any questions and ill clarify when i get a chance
Welcome to the seadoo forum condo180. The salt water shouldn't have caused any problem. I would try and change the spark plugs first. Have you done a compression test lately? I was just wondering what the compression was for a seadoo that old.

the compression is fine. my concern was that the salt water may have entered when the intake, gone through the carberauter, and fouled something up. teh ski took in some water in to the hull unpronounced to me. i proceeded to ride, and the ski began to cut out at about half throttle. eventually it wouldnt run at all. i took it home and emptied everything out. i put new plugs in and let it rip. the ski idles fine but wont accelerate in or out of the water.

- also does anyone know where the engine drain plugs are on this ski, i completely forgot to remove them while clearing the engine. i think it was because i couldnt find them. thanks
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