Well, it is tricky to say the least.
Adding the PRO-K filters actually might cost you some performance. The stock airbox provides a strong vacum signal to get the correct fueling at all throttle positions. You could be lean at about 3/4 throttle without it and if you jet up you could be rich on the bottom.
Same goes for hard jetting the pipe as the water regulator is really good at a wet pipe for bottom performance then dries it out for max performance on the top end.
Any intake grate that loads the pump more will shave off top speed. Their purpose is to prevent cavitation in choppy racing conditions which is more important than absolute top speed.
Impellers are lust like gearing and nothing comes for free. If you want more top you are going to lose bottom. Seadoo was really good at selecting impellers from the factory to match the engines. The big performance gain was when stock skis came with aluminum impellers which were really inefficient so a "Stainless Impeller" was a easy hop-up part but your XP already has one.
So the only way to really get a noticeable improvement on these is a pipe.
Remember, all the tricks that the racers used like open flame arrestors, big carbs and hard jetting the waterbox is because they operated at WOT and high rpm the entire race so they only really needed to tune for one condition. They also ran pipes for higher rpm. None of that is really good for a rec ski unless you just want the fastest top speed.
I guess the biggest question is what are you going to use your ski for?