96 XP Handlebar Cover Upgrade

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys, a few years back @Jetskigoodies was selling kits to use the plastic paintable 97 GTX handlebar covers on the XPs. I got one, but am having trouble making it fit. I tried to reach out to him, but to no avail. Does anyone have any clues on how to make it work? I made my own little bracket to attach the foam pad, but I"m having trouble making it all fit well. If anyone knows how to do this, or has one of the brackets Jetskigoodies made, please post a pic of it.1571024175819.png
much appreciated! I still don't have it perfect, but am starting to think it's because of the upward angle that I added to the bars. I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice that, as when I ride standing, I need them to be a bit higher. I'm a pretty tall guy.
Look in my HX build or maybe my 96 clapped out build in my sig line. I think I posted my set up. Matt (JSGoodies) and I texted back and forth about that a few years back. Did you get a bracket from him?
I'll check those threads. I didn't get a hold of Matt, but was trying to. Did you raise your bars at all on those builds or leave them kind of in-line with the hood angle? I find that angle too low for when I'm standing, so I raise it. I wonder if this is my problem. With my crude bracket, the plastic mounting plate of the foam pad is touching the steering knuckle, but the way the steering cover fits, it's like it wants the pad to go further back into the knuckle.
On top. The pad attaches underneath it. I just skimmed your entire Clapped Out Resto thread. Great build! You do beautiful work man! Exemplary! I saw that you used that 98GTX handlebar, and your halves fit together nicely. Mine are not, and there is a gap where the throttle and button housings attach.
Here's what I mean about my handlebar angle
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