'96 SPX Carb Nightmare

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New Member
I started this thread about issues I was having with my two skis. http://www.seadooforum.com/showthread.php?t=525

I pulled off the fuel filters on both and the '96 SPX's was torn and there was a decent amount of black sludge in the bowl. Figuring that some of this sludge made it into the small filters in each carb I set about rebuilding the carbs. Found out that there were various different carbs that it could have and I needed the size of the bore to get the right kit.

Here's where it gets fun. Getting the 4 bolts (2 on each carb) off that held the carbs on proved to be a huge ordeal. The bolts were corroded onto the carb base so they did not want to come out. I got one carb off and one bolt of the other carb but I stripped the allen head of the last bolt. I cut the head off but since the bolt was corroded/seized onto the carb body this didn't do much good. I drilled a hole in the bolt shaft and tried using an easy-out but that just ended up cracking the top of the carb base. With no other options I began trying to pry the carb off which, long story short, cracked the carb base around the bolt from top to bottom...

So I need one, if not two (just to make it easier) carb(s) and I would prefer not to pay ~$400 that the dealer wants for one. They are Mikuni brand but say nothing else on them. The bore measures 38mm exactly. I've found some 38mm Mikuni's on ebay but they are not the same type.

Anyone know of a good place to get a used carb?
Love to see photos of this project - even though it sounds like it is going a little rough.

That is such a drag about the seized hardware. :(
Common problem!

Welcome SeaDooNewb!...
I've run into this same problem on two different occasions. I have the 97 787Rotax engine and while trying to take off the carbs ran into the same problem. One bolt cam out of the MAG carb and I was able to spin the carb around in circles to get it off, the other, I was able to loosen a bit and ended up breaking but got enough clearence out of it to cut it. I did have the engine out of the boat at the time, so this gave me room to work with it. I had a spare couple bolts from a spare parts engine.
This white corrosion that builds around the carb bolts and freezes them to the housing is caused and I'm guessing here, from electrolysis....if that's the way it's spelled.
I do have everything going again and before I put those bolts back in, I used anti-seize to keep them from corroding.
This is a tough problem and I wish you the best!:cool:
Definitely some type of dis-similar metal corrosion going on with those bolts. I was able to find what I think are the same carbs on e-bay pretty cheap:


So between al 3 1/2 carbs, two rebuild kits and 4 new bolts (that the dealer gave me free because he felt sorry for me) I SHOULD be set. I will also check the RAVE valve as snipe PM'ed me about. Hopefully the torn filter allowing gunk onto the carb(s) was indeed the problem and when I get it all back together it will run like a top.

BTW: The OEM clamps on all the fuel lines were those one-time-use clamps. Do I need to use those again or can I just use worm or spring clamps?
Another question:

Once I got both carbs off I was sticking my fingers down the intake looking for any debris. There was something blocking the entire passage of the aft carb's intake tract. Like a metal wall... Is there something in there that rotates between the two carbs, maybe for the oil injection? Is this ringing any bells with anyone or am I crazy?
Just browsing other topics and I think I found my answer. This is the rotary valve, correct?

Another question:

Once I got both carbs off I was sticking my fingers down the intake looking for any debris. There was something blocking the entire passage of the aft carb's intake tract. Like a metal wall... Is there something in there that rotates between the two carbs, maybe for the oil injection? Is this ringing any bells with anyone or am I crazy?
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