96 spi Seadoo please help so frustrated!!

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New Member
Im getting alot more smoke than ever before both in water and on trailer. She idels good but when i get on it the engine gets loud but theres no take off power. Its like theres no tourque if you can call it that. It will get up to speed but takes me babying the throttle. The engine also seems alot louder than usual at top speeds. I have replaced the old grey fuel lines, cleaned out the carb, and adjusted the oil cable/lever the lines are now lined up. Any help is greatly appriciated im stumped.
If you hit the gas and all it does is rev up check wear ring or carbon seal.
Could be your cavitating?

Check compression to tell if motor healthy.
Smoking real bad is a sign oil could of gotten past crank seal from sitting to long.
Sorry i know im a bit hard to understand. The ski goes when i press the gas it just takes a while to get up to speed. The engine responds as soon as i give it gas the speed and power are slow to respond. It will eventually get up to full speed it just takes me being very soft and slow on the throttle. It does not bog the engine down at all. As for the smoking you metioned oil getting past my crank seal. Will that oil eventually burn off or is that seal something i need to replace? I appreciate your help.
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I don't know about the "slow take off" let the experts answer that question.
Does is have the gray tempo fuels lines, if so then REPLACE them ASAP. See the "how to" section for more help on that.

The oil will burn off UNLESS the seals are really bad and continue to leak. If that is the case then it needs a new crank. If it sat for a long time then sometimes oil will leak past the seals, usually not a problem unless it continues.
Cool im hoping the oil is gonna burn off. It does look as if its becoming less and less smoke each time i run it. Just wanted to make sure the smoak and lake of power were'nt linked. As for the fuel lines thats why it sat so long ha ha the lines were bogging it down last year. I replaced all the lines the fuel selector valve aswell as cleaning the carb completly out little sceen and all. It sounds like the engine is getting gas perfect. The ski idels really well and runs good at low thottle level or low speeds. It just lacks power when i try to take off full speed. Sounds like engine is running fast but the ski just does take off. I have to build up speed slowly. It it was a car it would be like the trasmission is slipping when i try to gun it!! Haha
As Ocod said you've got cavitation. That's exactly what cavitation feels like, a transmission slipping. SBD is correct also change the grey tempo fuel lines.

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