Hello all new to the forum,
Long story short my nieghbor is selling a 96 speedster twin 717s cheap. Motors look clean. But it needs apolstry. Less than 30 hrs. The boat was not dewinterized and the batteries are dead. I have a red top optoma sitting in the garage and I was wondering if I can hook both positives together on the positive and both negatives together on the negative to use one good battery? Or do I need some sort of isolator?
Also which inlet do I use to run the motors out of the water? The two on top (one is near the oil fill cap) or the two near the bottom bilge?
The neighbor said that it smoked quite a bit at first start out of the water. So I'm assuming that its not getting water in the motor but its a oil/fuel mixing prob. Any ideas?
Hopefully I can get it on the water soon and test her out!
Long story short my nieghbor is selling a 96 speedster twin 717s cheap. Motors look clean. But it needs apolstry. Less than 30 hrs. The boat was not dewinterized and the batteries are dead. I have a red top optoma sitting in the garage and I was wondering if I can hook both positives together on the positive and both negatives together on the negative to use one good battery? Or do I need some sort of isolator?
Also which inlet do I use to run the motors out of the water? The two on top (one is near the oil fill cap) or the two near the bottom bilge?
The neighbor said that it smoked quite a bit at first start out of the water. So I'm assuming that its not getting water in the motor but its a oil/fuel mixing prob. Any ideas?
Hopefully I can get it on the water soon and test her out!