96 speedster engine problem " maybee rectifier" Need advice

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New Member
I have a 96 seadoo speedster with twin engines, on the first ride with the family the boat started to bog down around 4k rpm on both engines but wheni let of the throttle on the port engine the starboard will run wide open, at the same time the engine boging started the starboard tach gbot stuck at 1000 rpm. Could this be as simple as a rectifier? If i let the boat idle for a min and floor both engines they both rev up to 6800rpm then bog down to 4k and if i ease off the port engine the starboard will run wide open. I was thinking fuel butstarting to think rectifier. Does anyone have any advice?How can i test the rectifier? I am new to the forum and the twin engine jet boats, but loving it. thanks steve
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