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96 seadoo hx

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New Member
Hey guys I'm completely new to the jet ski thing. I've never even rode one! I've always wanted and finally got one, but it doesn't run. My friend bought two seadoo's from a guy one run and the other didn't. I bought the one that didn't. It is a 96 HX. I'm an auto mechanic so I now how to test and work on things. Nothing happens when hitting the start switch. I can crank the motor over by touching the solenoid. My buddy's dad though it was the module and took it off, and switched out with there other jet ski. Still did nothing. I put it back in, but have two wires that don't match up to anything. Second thing is the safty switch is missing. It just has a wire looped back though to it. I read a while back that this year model has a theft deterrent resistor built into the switch. Is this true? Is there any way to bypass it? Like maybe put a module from another seadoo model? Any info would be great!! Thanks guys!!

hey scoot...thumb up with purchase. Try cleaning the post,then retry and swab out the landyard, may need new one and programmed from dealer. As for bypass..no, security built into mpem, but you can get module from 95hx/xp, and wire that up. You wont have the d.e.s.s., but ski WILL work, with kill key...
Thanks for the info timmy! What is the d.e.s.s? Sorry I now nothing about these things. I just want to get the thing running. I only gave $500 for it. I guess that is a good deal. It's in good shape except its fading a little.
d.e.s.s. is the security, functions..blah, blah..of the ski, what/where the mpem is(computer board). Before 96", there was no d.e.s..s, but had same motors to what you have now. So, with incorporating a "cdi"/"mpem" from the 95 hx/xp, might need to change rectifier or coil, for ski to run, and just use a kill key.
You can ue the "PARTS" tab, and corrospond parts with your skis' parts from that year/mdl to figure out....:cheers:
Thanks man!! I will look into it. Would be nice to find some used parts to do this. No much listed in the for sale section.
I just don't understand the differences between boxes. Some say for 800/787, some say gtx 650, and a bunch of others as well. I believe I have 718cc motor. Not sure! All the boxes I'm looking at look the same as mine. What ones should work. I also found one off a 96 xp that comes with the hole box/cdi/wiring/etc.., and the d.e.s.s key that is programmed to it for $150. What do any of you think?:banghead:
If you don't have the right key or it's lost its program, you really should just go to seadoo and have one programmed.
hey scoot...man, took for granted that you checked already, but throw it out there....have you checked the fuses, if so, then i'd take ski down to dealer first, and have them check the landyard w/ post before thow'n out the scratch$$$
Your HX does not have a DESS system. In 96, the only models that had DESS were: XP, GTX, GSX, and GTi. The ones without DESS were: SP, SPi, SPX, HX, GTS. As far as HX's go, only the 97's had DESS. All you need is the proper safety switch and a lanyard.
I might have the switch you need. I'll check & get back to you by Friday.

Thanks for the help guys. I don't have the money to take to a dealer and pay for the to diagnose it. However I'm an auto mechanic and have all the tooling a test equipment and mechanical ability needed. Sorry to bother everyone, just having to do it myself, because that is the only way I can at the moment. Thanks Chester shoot me a pm on price if you can. Right now it has a wire looped back around to it. I have checked all fuses and so forth. When I got it the CDI was unhooked. I hooked it all back up, but still have a couple of wires that have nothing to hook to. When I hit the start button noting happens. If I hold the start button down I get a beep or two. Don't remember it has been a while since I tried this.

I have a brand new MPEM for $250 if you need one. Are you sure that the solenoid is working? Do you have power at the yellow/red wire on the solenoid when you press the start button?

Ok I charged the battery on it today and messed with it. I do not get any power to the yellow and red wire at the solenoid. I have and red wire with blue stripe coming out of the cdi box that is not hooked up to anything and had power coming out of it. No other wire that matches it. Than I have a purple wire with what looks like a like pink stripe. Hard to tell its faded. I took some pics, but can't figure out how to put them on here. Also when i hit the start button I get one beep from the buzzer. Thanks for all the help chester!!! :cheers:
from what i've read on this forum, that purple wire carries the current, to be distrubuted throughout. Probably why,no power to red and yellow wires...(just a hunch)
The purple wire is hooked up to a like wire, but there is a splice coming off of it and that purple wire is the not hooked to anything. How do I post pics on here, seeing would be so much better than my dumba$$ trying to explain!! Thanks

Ok i just figured out how to load them in my album and it is public, but still can't get them to load on a thread!!
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The purple extra purple wire is not used in your application. Leave it unplugged.
Have you verified that the switches work properly? Make sure you test all of your grounds with a test light or multi-meter.

I figured the switch was working right due to getting a beep when hitting it, but just to check it I cut the wires and touched them togather. Got the same beep that I do when hitting the switch. Timmy sent me a link to test my mpem, so I will try that tonight. What about the red wire with blue stripe? Have not seen anything on that yet. Also what is a rectifire? I know where it is at by reading some other post, but could it cause any of my issue? Don't know just throwing things out. Man i wish this was a gm car. I know I could figure it out then!! How well I will try and test the other stuff suggested tonight. Thanks a lot guys!!:cheers:
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