So as some of you know i put a new motor in a couple weeks ago, swapped my aftermarket mpem for a oem one (i changed the whole box) had my aftermarket key reprogrammed to my new oem mpem, got new starter solenoid, and new start button. Rode it for 4 hours over 2 days breaking it in and had no issues. Only thing I noticed is it sometimes wouldnt start after i turned it off and left the key plugged in for more than a minute but would start back up after i took it off and back on, just not sure if thats normal.
Now comes the problem, i let it sit for 2 weeks and plan on taking it out tomorrow. I put a new multifunction gauge in it Since mine never worked and went to test it and NOTHING. I thought my batt died but no its still charged and it is relatively new. Did the key lose its program? I cant think of what could possibly happen while it sits for 2 weeks.. it’s unbelievable really. Called the dealer who programmed it and they say that it’s impossible to lose program. Help is much appreciated!
Now comes the problem, i let it sit for 2 weeks and plan on taking it out tomorrow. I put a new multifunction gauge in it Since mine never worked and went to test it and NOTHING. I thought my batt died but no its still charged and it is relatively new. Did the key lose its program? I cant think of what could possibly happen while it sits for 2 weeks.. it’s unbelievable really. Called the dealer who programmed it and they say that it’s impossible to lose program. Help is much appreciated!