New parts!
This is a simple one.....New Parts!
These engines are high performance (over 7000 rpm) and can't just take any old part and put in it.....
When you through the rod, I assume you mean you replaced the connecting rod, the piston, the sleeve or cylinder and if there was casing damage, repaired it with used stuff, which may have already been worn past the usable tolerance. Of, if you used the piston but kept the sleeve and cylinder, then you've greatly mis-matched the parts together, causing bad compression. Also, if you were WOT and locked up, then you may have also twisted the crankshaft. So, my advice here, ............bite the bullet and order a new engine from SBT or the like, before you end up spending a fortune on used crap.........
Sorry, I say it like I see it.......never re-use critical parts from another motor. Your asking for trouble.:cheers: