96 hx flustered!

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New Member
Hi all, I have a 96 hx with an ongoing problem that is progressively getting worse every summer.After the engine has warmed up, difficult starting, and when you do get it to idle,and give it throttle it stays at idle, this problem can last up to a minute,if you continously feather the throttle it will all of a sudden 'wake up' and the engine runs smoothly , has plenty of power and runs fine, but again as soon as you come back to idle its the same thing ,happens again, the problem gets worse when the fuel tank is around 3/4 or less and when engine is up to running temperature. When you first put it in the water, say first 15-20 minutes it runs perfect! Has factory pipe with the propper jets and pop off spring[ all the stuff factory pipe recomends] and a different prop I forget the pitch but its one that everyone suggested.also has a primer kit. Rebuilt the carbs twice no difference!, checked fuel cap, fuel selector, tank check valve, nothing!,clean main fuel filter but i do notice small black particles on occasions. mixture screws have been turned so many times I have probably worn them out!And there is probably some other things I have done but i can't think of them right now. after yesterday when it died 500 yards away from shore cause I killed the battery trying to start it, Im freakin pissy at this thing, bought it new in 96 and still think its the funniest ski ever made. But this ongoing problem that I cannot solve has got my shorts all wadded up, any help would be appreciated!

thank you!
Original owner, congrats! Do you have a shop manual by now? If not, I would prob get one and make sure you go over the maintenence section real well. We have the 96 shop manual for premium members here.

Are you overheating the engine at all? Might want to check and make sure that the cooling system is functioning properly.

Also may want to consider the ignition system. For now, read your plugs, check compression, and let us know what you find.
I had the same problem.I had fuel line air gaps.Had to do a test on fuel lines.Found leaks everywhere.If your fuel lines are factory its time to change them all.Once you change the lines and prime them you will see a differance.
I'm with you, man - 96 HX also the bane of my existence

My 96 HX also totally let me down on this weekend's houseboat trip. :mad: I abandoned it on the trailer and had to take only the GTX for this vacation.

I cleaned out the fuel selector valve and front fuel filter bowl. Also changed the pump oil. It ran fine on the trailer. But once in the water, I could bury the throttle and the motor wouldn't go more than idle. In fact, I had to have full throttle to keep idle up.:(

I think there is water trying to push through the exhaust pipe clamps - a sign of perhaps even more disasterous things in my near future.

But I suspect the real problem is that the carb filters need to be cleaned out along with a total fuel line replacement. I still have the original grey hosing on.:rolleyes: I'm done for the season anyway - so this is a winter project for me to rebuild carbs on the bench.

If that doesn't do it, a big for sale sign goes up on it.:mad: A pity after 11 years of ownership - although not necessarily trouble-free years.
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thanks rtm1963 and others, problem solved

I changed all the fuel lines[ with black napa fuel hose]>I had to pull the motor noticed a small oil leak from a line at the bottom of the engine. Then I noticed some debris in the tank and pulled the tank cleaned it. Changed fuel filter, rebuilt the carbs, put it all together and runs great!, idles perfect, throttle is responsive,even gained a bit more top- end!, feels like it gained 50 more horses![ but i know that is a lie] Anyway it was alot of work , but Im sure it was the fuel lines, I split some of the old [ grey] lines and did notice deteriation on them, either way Im happy to have the hx running great, thanks for the advice!
:hurray: That's great! Good to hear all that work paid off! It is also even more satisfying when you know you have done the work yourself an saved a TON of money!
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