New Member
This seadoo and I have a long history. I've had it for about 5 years. After giving up on the local boat shops I decided to work on it myself. I'm mechanically inclined, just didn't really care to add it to my list of specialties haha. Well after 2 years of a crappy seadoo and a blown up engine I found the clogged fuel selector switch that the shop couldn't. It never really ran great like I thought it should even after rebuilding the carbs. I never thought to adjust the needles in them till recently when it started fouling plugs. My 96 gtx with a 787 had the high speed screws 3/4 of a turn from closed and the low speed screws 1 1/4 turns from closed. I read on a site that 96 gtx stock needle positions are: low speed 1 turn and high speed 0. So I made the adjustments and took it out. It ran better then ever! but after about a mile it died, kinda bogged down over a few seconds then died. When I tried to start it it wouldn't turn over but after about 30 seconds it turned a lil. And then in a minute or two it fired right back up. I took it real easy back to the dock. I'm just wondering if these needle settings sound correct to you guys? I'm afraid of running it lean and blowing the engine :ack: Does this sound like I perhaps almost seized the engine? I don't really think it got hot and the plugs didn't look white. Although I don't really know what to look for in plugs Any suggestions on what I should do?