New Member
This is my 1st post and I love this site. I bought two 96gti's 3 months ago and have been trying to bring them up to date. My latest problem has me a bit stumped. Two weeks ago it started cranking weakly (Like a weak battery) and the last trip out it finally stopped turning the motor over. Switched batterys from the other ski, no change. Grey box with Solenoid box just clicks. Removed starter and it was clean, hooked it to my battery out of the ski and it seemed to spin just fine. Then hooked it back to my ski and got same clicks form the grey box. Dug into the gray box and crossed the solenoid with a screwdriver and the starter is still dead as before. I'm, not an expert, but I got out the trusty multimeter and got 12.2v at the solenoid on both sides when I hit the start button. Also got 12v at the end of the starter cable(Not connected to the starter at the time). Then I got my jumper cable and went from the + battery post directly to the starter and it turned the motor for about one second. Now its dead again, nothing from the starter. Any ideas would be appreciated. :banghead: