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96 gsx no start

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well i have a 96 gsx that i did a rebuild on the engine and wow this has been a pain. it was damaged in shipping and i had to grind the hole out for the starter to fit into the mag housing properly. now it turns over with my plugs in and i get spark on both wires, i get the two beeps when i put my key on the post but it wont fire. i replaced all of the gray fuel lines last year cleaned all of the gunk out. i poured a little gas in the cylinders and put in new plugs and it wouldnt fire up. any ideas anyone? should i try it with a little starting fluid?:confused:
I say no to starting fluid. Absolutly no lubrication bad things can happen really quik. If I was working on a car and have spark and fuel but no ignition I would look into timing. Not sure about the Rotax I have only owned one for about a week.
i timed it already and i put a little oil in the cylinders and a little gas to try to get it to start.
Yes i checked timimg twice once when the motor was in then i pulled the motor and found thet the starter hole was messed up so when i fixed that i made sure the timing was good. And when i cranked it over last night i checked eack plug wire with a plug in it to verify they both had spark. I poured like 1/5th an ounce of gas to each cyl and put new plugs in and it didnt fire whth the choke pulled or not
well against advice i had to try the starting fluid so i shot a little into the carbs and nothing. so i pulled the plugs and they were pretty oily since i put a little into the holes to lube the pistons so i cleaned the plugs and shot a little fluid into the holes and tried again and nothing again. my buddy didnt believe there was spark so i pulled the front plug and grounded it to show him and bam biggest backfire ever out of the tailpipe. i then showed him there was spark and replaced the plug and still nothing> anyone have any ideas at all?:rant:
any ideas what i can try next? tomorrow is my only day off and id really like to get this thing in the water before summer is over.:ack:
East coast cycle in pa did it. I did pop the head off and it was re sleeved so they did have to do some work on it and it did look like they were honed. Have you ever heard of them? They were on ebay. Is there anything you know of where i can get my money back?
I have the same exact problem with my 96 xp! Its driving me insane!! I've tried everything I could think of, but mine does start after I pour gas directly into the carbs and once she starts she runs nice on the trailer, but won't run in the water. I hope you figure out whats going on, and If you do please let me know, and I figure it out, i'll do the same.
See i just checked my compression and im at 109 front cyl and 120, im pretty sure it should be at least 160 on a new damn motor
Does yours start if you pour gas in on the water? If it wont crank in the water it is either a weak starter or bad connection to the staeter, or a dead cell in the battery. When you have the water in the impeller it is enough to slow donn the starter. Out of the water there is no resistance on it
East coast cycle in pa did it. I did pop the head off and it was re sleeved so they did have to do some work on it and it did look like they were honed. Have you ever heard of them? They were on ebay. Is there anything you know of where i can get my money back?

East Coast Cycle, has your money...maybe thru paypal, get/stop money payment or something. That sux dude.
Does yours start if you pour gas in on the water? If it wont crank in the water it is either a weak starter or bad connection to the staeter, or a dead cell in the battery. When you have the water in the impeller it is enough to slow donn the starter. Out of the water there is no resistance on it

I managed to start it once in the water and road about 30 feet out and then it died. The starter is cranking fast and the battery is new, I also checked it with my tester and all cells are good on the inside. I tried everything! I rechecked my timing and its with in the specs. It does backfire through the carbs sometimes and i'm thinking maybe the ignition timing is off, I have another mpem that i know hasn't been messed with so i'm going to try that tomorrow and see what happens.
I spoke to the shop that rebuilt my engine and they said it will fire with as low as 80 psi and the compression will come up to about 120 when the rings seat. Is this true anyone????
It should fire with as low as 100 psi i've heard. Right now im giving up on the XP and im rebuilding my 97 SPX. Then i'm going to do a bottom end pressure test on the XP to see if the bottom end has any leaks, then will go from there.
See I was thinking ignition timing maybe I may just run mine out to clarksville or nashville I'm sick of messing with it
so i took it to a shop just a little local guy here at a motorcycle shop and he thought he could get it going. he thought the woodruff key sheared when the motor wouldnt crank. he said it was but couldnt get it to fire after he said he replaced it. so he called his buddy who he said is a certified water craft tech, and they said it would be going in 2 days well i went thruogh the 4th weekend without it. now today they finally call and said they had it figured out. they said when the motor was rebuilt that the palce messed up the fuel pump and that gas was leaking straight into the crank and thats why it was locking up and not cranking. that they were trying to find a diagphram and seal kit for the pump to have it going.
now i thought the fuel was sucked through the carbs by the diagphrams that were in the carbs, is there even a fuel pump on the 787 96 gsx? or did they just take my s*** out for the weekend?:ack: help please someone and thanks
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Yes their is a fuel pump on the 787.. It's connected to the mag carb.

I found the problem to my xp on it not starting! hahah i feel like a dumb ass, it pays to read the manual all the way through, I put the pistons on the wrong way. On every engine except 787 the intake hole should face the rotary valve, thats what i figured out while i was building my spx.
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