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951 RAVE valves

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Ok so most things on this engine I can figure out due to my background, but on each rave valve there is a weep hole, if the bellow is bad will it cause oil to come out of it? as 1 of them has oil coming out of the weep hole on my 2000 gtx 951 motor...next there is oil in the hose that comes from the sensor and t's off to both rave valves....I would not think there should be oil in this sense it is ran through a sensor but I do not know this system.....if no oil should be in the hose any clues to why it would be?
nobody have an idea?

I had oil leaking out of my 787 due to bad RAVE valve o rings...Pull em and see if they are all brittle and break apart. Also, check the pulse line from the crankcase to the rave solenoid valve. It could be coming from there as well. As for your idea, take the bellows out and see if there is a hole in one of them.
every hose going to the rave valves has oil in them, and thats what I am trying to figure out, I would not think it should be there but I do not know enough about them to be sure, nor do I know why then the oil is in them.
lol, thats why I am asking how could oil get into those lines? it has oil residue in it all the way from the rave valve to the block....and through the solinoid as well. I do have oil seeping from one rave valve weep hole, but how could oil be getting into the lines? I thought they where pulse lines and the air that flows through them only goes into them and not out.
so I pulled the raves apart and they are very nasty, I cannot find any brittle bad orings or anything but I am going to buy the rave valve kits and replace all the rubber parts anyways, but still cannot figure out why in the heck there is oil in the pulse lines/tubes going to the rave valves, I mean they are litteraly full of oil, and my red caps are set to the middle not flush at top or bottom...just dead center....wtf am I missing here? To me there would be no way to have oil in the air lines going to the raves anyone know what would cause alot of oil to enter the lines?

And the best part is this ski ran perfect had no issues with any running conditions at all, I took it out and everything seemed fine, then when I would slow to an idle after 45mins-1 hr it would not idle just stall then if you restarted it if you even touched the throttle it would die at about 1/4 throttle I was able to ease into it and it finally went again, then running wot it just started loosing speed and rpms from 62 to 38 mph, so I let off then it was fine again, brought it back to the dock and bam would no longer idle again, and if you touched the throttle it would die no matter what. So I brought it home, and found some water in the hull, water in the air box, a bad motor mount, a gap on one side of the wear ring to impeller but fine on the other side, rave valves and hoses to them full of oil, a exhaust plug just starting to seep water, a head that would soon cause water into my cylinders and a oil pump still on it yet the pulled the intake hoses and just ran premix with the pump still on it.

I just need to really find out why there is oil in my rave valve hoses, they have tons of oil in them.
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Only way oil could get it the first hoses is from the tops of the cylinders if your RAVE valve o rings are leaking. The main hose that goes from the crank case to the solenoid should not have any unless the case is leaking oil somehow and getting though the check valve to the other hose.
Only way oil could get it the first hoses is from the tops of the cylinders if your RAVE valve o rings are leaking. The main hose that goes from the crank case to the solenoid should not have any unless the case is leaking oil somehow and getting though the check valve to the other hose.

So the entire front rave valve has oil in it along with the hoses, oil is coming out of the front rave valve weep hole as well, so then that would be major blow-by however I run premix and there was no gas mixed in just plain oil, which way does the air travel in the tubes going from the case to the valves? How do I check to see if oil is leaking into the case?
I found this info on the rave adjustments

To adjust the rave valves turn all the way in, then 1 turn out and perform a acceleration run on the craft from zero and accelerating to full speed, repeat the procedure untill you attain the best performance. A radar gun with acceleration capibilities will greatly help.
looks like as per seadoo manual 787 engine rave red cap adjusted flush with the top and 951 engine adjusted all the way down.
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