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95 XP dies after 10 min and won't restart

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New Member
My '95 XP shuts down after about ten minutes of operation and then won't restart for about 10 minutes. After restarting it will only go about 200 feet then it dies again. This is the first use since replacing the gray fuel lines this winter. The internal carb filters are clean. Where should I go next? I appreciate your help!
you dont need to replace the internal filter...make surethe settings on carbs are right. Have you done compression test? with grey lines replaced, did you clean out the fuel selector switch, inline filter, inspect the inline filter o-ring?
Thanks for the advice. I will take a look at the items tomorrow morning and report my findings.
Final report...I went back into the carbs and replaced both Diaphragms, the fuel pump diaphragm and the fuel pump gasket. These parts all looked ok but weak, so I decided to replace them. This did not solve my problem. I had previously inspected and replaced the inline fuel filter and o-ring, but I thought I should take another look. It turned out the black upper portion of the inline fuel filter assembly had a fine crack where the fuel line attached. I probably damaged it when replacing the fuel lines. I replaced the assembly and Problem Solved!!! I appreciate the input I received. I will contribute when I can. Thanks again!
congrats on the fix. i was about 95% sure it was going to be that filter because i had your exact symptoms last year and started looking into several things on the engine. then i finally replace that one little filter and boom! it worked perfectly. later
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