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95 spx no power

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New Member
I have a 95 seadoo spx after rebuiling the rotax engine, rebuilding the carbs the ski will not go. On the trailer it will rev up fine(all the way to rev limiter). Back it into water and it will not get any rpm's. If you take off from dead stop it will just go about 10-15 mph. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!
make sure the LSA is at 1-1/8, and HSA at 0 Also, re-look at fuel lines make sure you got them at right inlets on tank and carb.

Not sure if its effected out of water, but did you set the RV at the right degree duration?
LSA is at 1-1/8, and HSA at 0

Not sure what you are refering to LSA is at 1-1/8, and HSA at 0 . RV is right!
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After removing carbs 5 times and taking them apart 5 times found trash/gunk in main jet in #2 carb.
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