The bottom ring is 290815025 which has been superceeded by 420815025. Which may still be available thru your dealer. If not here are some link to ebay. World of powersports has it listed for $29.49. Ebay has them starting at $19.99
Bottom Ring
I deleted the links they were not working, just go to ebay and search for those two part #'s
The top ring is 290815035 which by world of power sports is still available by their website, meaning they might have them and it's priced at $40.99
Go to Ebay and search for the above #
Get em while their hot. And since you live in the great white north have the dealer dig through their sled parts, looks as if a Summit and MX-Z share the same pistons as found in that one auction. Don't sleep on the auctions if you need them.
Dang, looks like one of the auctions just got bought as I'm typing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why won't my Ebay links work?? they do if I put them right in my browser??????