I have a 95 speedster and have had it for about 3 years. Im seriously considering doing the 2 batteries to 1. Ive seen the post with pics about how to do it. Because of family reasons and other things beyond my control, Im just now getting the boat out for the summer. I have 1 battery that about 2 1/2 years old the the other is from early last year. Well I had both tested and they are bad. These have been a thorn from time to time and I just cant see how changing over to the 1 cant be better. I dont run a radio... just cranking and tubing, etc. If I do the conversion are there ANY issues I should be concerned about?? Also...do I keep the selector switch on the "2 battery" selection to get a full charge from the charging system. Any info would be apprciated. (Sorry for rambling).