I have a '95 SPX 650 and I just bought it about a month ago. I took it out for the first time and it ran perfect the whole time. Left it sit at the dock and didnt know but the water discharge hose out of motor was broken off in the ski and water leaked in through there and filled up to top of motor. I fixed that problem now, Electrical box had a bunch of water in it. Fast forward to today... I replaced coil, plugs, new gas, Put all new connectors on wires in electrical box with dielectric silicone. Replaced the battery.It will run great for about five minutes and then once it heats up it starts to bog and will go off and on but continually get worse. Take it out of water and let it sit, same thing every time. It seems like it starts to heat up and then starts missing, I can smell the fuel when I am trying to get it started again so I was thinking not a fuel issue. I would guess electrical but not sure where to go with this. Any help is REALLY appreciated. Thanks.