95 hx water problem

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help 1995 hx filling with water in three min

Remove from water in under 2mins 30 secs :reddevil:
sorry only joking
You need to put into water whilst still on the trailer look in hull and see if you can see where the water is entering

at this point i can only guess suggestions as follows

driveshaft seal where it exits hull

VTS if fitted there is a rubber boot at rear of ski above right of jet pump

scupper valves blocked in open position

exhaust hose from water box to exterior has hole or come off the exit seal flange

Hole in Hull ???

you will def need back in water on trailer if you can use 2 people
one in truckto pull it out quickly and you to look with flashlight /inspection mirror

Good luck and tell us what you find /if you need more help :cheers:
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