New Member
I bought a 95 GTX and while looking everything over I noticed the forward small oil injector line from the the oil pump to the intake not full of oil but the rear one was. This made me concerned so I pulled of the oil pump and spun it with a drill counterclockwise as per the manual and it pumped oil through both lines equally. I put it back together and it did the same thing. I pulled it back out replaced the oil pump and banjo fittings with a used pump that I also verified working with a drill motor, I put it back together again and the same thing happened again I also changed the oil filter and made sure it was installed in the correct direction. So I added some oil to the gas today and rode it for about two hours by the time I got home the line was half empty again the small lines are new and there are no leaks anywhere on the oil injector assy. Does anyone have any ideas?