Hi guys, I'm a newbie, and i've got a problem. My ski is only used 1 week a year, prolly not even 1 hour a day. The engine has only about 30 hrs on a re-build. It has always started right up and ran great. This year at my annual river trip, the first day out, I'm crusing along about 40 (not wide open but going at a pretty good speed) and it just quit. Acted like it had sized up or something. It would still crank over, but wouldn't fire up. I thought perhaps I sucked up some river grass, but after checking it out I don't think that was it. Towed it back, and pulled the plugs, was getting a spark but it looked weak, so I put in new plugs, still no go, shot starting fluid in it, still no go. I took it into town to a dealer, he said he couldn't look at it for 2 weeks. He did come out and look, he said it didn't sound quite right when cranking over, and thought I might have a pump problem. He suggusted I check the compression first. Took it home, the compression in the front cyl. is 119 lbs, the rear is 160 lbs. I would think it should run like that, right? I still have the orig gray fuel lines, but my spin off filter is clean. Now I don't want to put a lot of bucks into this thing, so I'm hoping someone might steer me in the right direction. Any body got any suggustions??