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95 GTX Died

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New Member
Hi guys, I'm a newbie, and i've got a problem. My ski is only used 1 week a year, prolly not even 1 hour a day. The engine has only about 30 hrs on a re-build. It has always started right up and ran great. This year at my annual river trip, the first day out, I'm crusing along about 40 (not wide open but going at a pretty good speed) and it just quit. Acted like it had sized up or something. It would still crank over, but wouldn't fire up. I thought perhaps I sucked up some river grass, but after checking it out I don't think that was it. Towed it back, and pulled the plugs, was getting a spark but it looked weak, so I put in new plugs, still no go, shot starting fluid in it, still no go. I took it into town to a dealer, he said he couldn't look at it for 2 weeks. He did come out and look, he said it didn't sound quite right when cranking over, and thought I might have a pump problem. He suggusted I check the compression first. Took it home, the compression in the front cyl. is 119 lbs, the rear is 160 lbs. I would think it should run like that, right? I still have the orig gray fuel lines, but my spin off filter is clean. Now I don't want to put a lot of bucks into this thing, so I'm hoping someone might steer me in the right direction. Any body got any suggustions??
the gray lines may have clogged a carb producing a lean condition in one jug. this in turn may have led to a scored cylinder wall.

Those gray lines are responsible for more than their share of rebuilds, and blown motors. IMHO

that compression on the one cylinder is low, chief. But with weak spark, and shoot'n fluid in and still nothing, pull the wire from the coil (where plug wires go), and see if she kicks over then. If not, then coil or stator assy (igniting coil) is goin south...
I'm not sure what you mean by "pull the coil wire and see if she cranks over"
It cranks over just fine now, but with ZERO spark, it sure won't fire.
Thanks for your thoughts, the fuel line story sounds like my luck. As I recall, just before it quit, it was idleing poorly, and kinda running a little rough on the low end of the throttle. I guess when I got on it a little, it leaned out completly:(
My main question now is, should it run with compression at 119 and 160?/ Would it even be worth the trouble of cleaning carbs, and replacing the lines??
Thanks for your expert advice.:hurray:Rodger
OK This just in, i pulled the plugs and try to turn it over by the pto, and it will make 1 revolution, then kinda get stuck, clunk........if I really try to crank hard I can get it to continue the cycle.
Shouldn't I be able to crank this thing over smoothly with no plugs in it?? I'm kinda thinking I've got more than a top end to think about......Anybody want a good deal on a nice, clean, fast ski? Just quit running??
Thanks for your thoughts.
To answer your question, you will have to remove:

The cylinder, and heads.

Inspect the pistons, rods, and ports. What if your bottom end is fine, (Good tight rods) but one piston due to a lean run, had a ring pop out, into an exhaust port, and that is why you cannot make a whole revolution. (QUIT CRANKING IT OVER>>> YOU ARE HURTING IT!)

Take it apart, or get somebody to do it with you, or take it to a mechanic.

You are definitely gonna need a top end, and maybe a bottom too.


PS, we are all volunteers around here, with regular jobs. Good Luck!
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Nate, thank you for your reply. I appreciate your advice and experience.
I appologize for getting "snitty" I'ts just that my lovely wife wanted me to get rid of the ski and get another boat. Now that the ski is broke, she wants it gone, but I didn't know if I had a real problem or not. Guess it's for sale.. cheap! Any thoughts on selling vs parting it out?
Thanks again
I am not the best person to answer that one... All I have is a 1998 GS, which is kind of a less expensive one...

Anyway, it sounds like you have messed up.... wife not happy, lost money on the Doo, and now it is broke (and so are you, due to gas prices...!) And now, you want out, as easy as you can!

Anyways, post the complete specs on this one...


Num of cc motor,

Which Doo this one is. What options.

And all, with a few pics, and somebody else will certainly try to give you good advice.

My ski did something similar a few months ago. I tried to restart it and nothing. I too noticed that it just didn't sound right. I was very new to PWC's (my 1st one). I found the article about the grey fuel lines. Made since to me. Replaced them all and did a clean-up on the carbs. And yes the fuel lines were in very crappy shape. I went back to cranking and cranking to try to get it to run. I would only stumble a few times and die. In my ignorance, I continued to crank till I heard a clunk. Motor locked. Come to find out that the mag piston was seizing. PTO side was perfect! Couple of thousand dollars later with a SBT motor and carb rebuild, I am back on the lake. When I bought my ski, it had a fesh motor in it. My guessing is that something in the oil injection failed or got plugged. Possibly why the previous motor failed on the previous owner. During my research I found a very valuable peace of advice and it may have even come from this board: THESE MACHINES SHOULD NOT JUST DIE. IF THEY DO FIND OUT WHY AND DON'T KEEP TRYING TO MAKE IT RUN." (the words are not exact, but its the same meaning) I was trying to force mine to run and only did more damage. It was going to need another motor or rebuild anyway, but I was causing more and more damage. I quickly became familiar with the machines alot sooner than I expected...and I am still learning.....
Thanks for your reply. I'm pretty sure I'm done with this ski. I'm not going to put any more money into it. I've also got an older Yamaha tiger shark. It runs but hasn't been started for a few years.
I'm ready to get another boat. Anybody want a good deal on 2 skis and a 1 ski trailer?? Shoot me a line.
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