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94 sp firing and cavitation problems

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I have 2-1994 seadoo sp skis and one seems to have run fine, and pushed fine since i bought them. I bought them memorial day weekend of this year (2012). The other however every time i have taken it out seems to not want to get up to plane. Well let me start from the beginning. The one with issues when i got it would almost not even get up on plane, or not for a long time, and every time it came out of the water over waves it like completely lost propulsion and had to start all over again. It also made an obviously different "pop" noise every time it came out of the water. I took the pump off and noticed the aluminum prop was in horrible shape, and the venturi was chipped in 3 of the finns pretty deep. So i went to my local salvage shop and bought a used entire pump assembly which came with an oem stainless prop. I just changed the pump oil and slapped her on. The neoprene seal was in good shape yet, so i used it. Greased them both up and took them out. Seemed to totally fix everything for the first 30 minutes, but then it seemed to start wanting to cavitate or loose propulsion every time it got a little rough, easier than the other one i have anyway. So i was looking on this site and maybe thought that the seal carrier was worn out. This doesn't have a carbon seal either remember. So i bought a repair kit from sbc which actually was the carrier and all as a whole unit. and while i was at it decided to replace the wear ring and rebuild the pump so it would be like "brand new". well after doing all that, the pump whines really bad when running. pretty sure it may just be my bearing job i did. I don't know if i bent a bearing putting them in or what i could have done. Maybe would it be the thrust washer/bearing making the whining noise? And on top of all of it, it still seems to loose propulsion in rougher water, again not as bad at first, but the longer we rode the worse it got. When i changed the bearing carrier, the shaft seemed to have grease on it that was "sucked" from the carrier and stuck onto the shaft just behind the carrier which would be underwater.
On top of all of this. I decided to put new plugs in both skis. There were BR8ES plugs in both, but i read online many places to use BR7ES plugs. So that's what i did. They both ran great for, probably 2 or 3 hours. Then they started to seem like they were bogging down a bit more. So id just try and open em up good to clean them out, which wasn't working. one starting running so crappy we just towed it back because it wouldn't run but only at an idle. The other started to run crappy on our way back and by the time we got to the channel, no wake area it ran fine at the idle, but then naturally about 200' from the dock, it shut off. It would not fire at all after that, and i pretty much rode the starter in bursts to the dock. luckily no wind or anything so it was fine. i didn't have time to pull the plugs to see what kind of shape they are in yet. but does anyone know any inside facts about the skis and plugs? or what i should look at? also i need to change my fuel lines yet. they both have the grey lines... im trying to get them up to speed one thing at a time though... I run premium gas in them...

any suggestions would be appreciated!
sorry for the novel.
Well... it sounds like you fixed the cavitation issues, and right now you are dealing with Tempo fuel line issues. The hoses need changed, and the system needs cleaned.

BUT... since you were running on a half plugged system... check the compression. (and hope no damage was done)
Ill try and check it this week. And the lines are on my list... but the list seems to never end... Ill check back in once i can get some time to work on them. Thanks!
Heres another question... what kind of fuel lines should i replace them with. Like the yellow tygon lines everyone says are nice, but the walls aren't very thick? im not sure if that matters. it doesnt have to be reinforced either does it?
Sooo... as for compression... on machine 1 i have 115 in front and rear... bad. and machine two i have 125 in front and 120 in rear. also bad... so how much $ am i looking at for motor work/how hard is it to do? and i was really looking forward to selling these and upgrading. but now i'll have to stick so much more money in to them i dont know what to do.
Any advice, i would appreciate it... thanks.
Just a few thoughts. On your post #3. You have to remember these are not your ordinary everyday engines. These things are wound tighter that a banjo string. They are borderline racing engines and do require a lot of maintenance. On post #4 I used regular automotive fuel line that I purchased at my local automotive store. You should also consider cleaning the entire system Ie. fuel filter, selector valve and carbs. Also I recommend you put an in-line fuel filter in the gas feed line that goes to the carbs. On post #5 I do not like that low of a reading, I would like to see it closer to the 150 mark. Also if you can do the work yourself, with someone else boring the cylinders for you like, FULLBORE you will probably be in the neighborhood of 5 to 600.00 per engine. I recommend contacting Doc. to rebuild your carbs.
so im going through everything in these machines and the return fuel line for some reason on both skis has like a "splice" connector about 1 foot from the carb... is this really needed? not exactly sure what the point is there. I also replaced oil lines. I was reading up how to "prime the injector lines" Does it sound right to dump a capful of oil down the carb when i go to start it and then manually open the oil valve under the carb at first to get the oil flowing?

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