New Member
So I've had my boat for about 2 months now. I have gotten the chance to take it out for a total of about 7-8 hours now. Mostly no wake cruising in the river downtown to please the girlfriend but have had the chance to cruise and open it up for about 1 hour total. I have ran about $120 worth of gas through it. My concern is the oil consumption. Everything has been running great since picking this boat up but all I ever read before I bought it was that I was going to burn a lot of oil. I topped the tank off before my first outing and have since not seen much movement in the tank. I think it has gone down some but not what I was expecting. I recently marked the tank but have not had a chance to take it out since. Is this normal that it is not using that much since I've mostly been running at low speeds? It smokes on startup and no wake riding so I know its getting something. It just has me worried that its going to seize unexpectedly and then I will be one POed SOB! haha Anyway, should I be concerned or am I ok as long as its smoking?! Is there a chance that my filters are clogged and I am getting oil but not as much as I should? If that is the case how do I check? This may be a petty plea but I would appreciate some input! Thanks