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94 Sea-Doo XP 650 runs bad and has Dark Gray Smoke

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New Member
Hey everyone!

I'm new here and new to Sea-doo's. This year I bought a pair one was suppose to run the other was in the process of being repaired. The one that runs does, just dogs out on the high end. It just started that. I am thinking it may have sucked in something in the carbs and just needs to be run more.

The other one
I think has some real issues. I got it all put together and put some oil in the cylinders and turned it over by hand a few times then let it sit over night. The next day I turned it over with the battery-plugs out. Next I assembled and tried to start it after a few tries it started and run ok and smoked a lot after a few (30) seconds I shut it off. I was not concerned about the smoke there so I took it to the lake and put is in and it run for several minutes (with lots of smoke still) then died. each time it would start,but would run less time, till it would not start. We put it back on the trailer and rode the other one. after we come back, the one on the trailer started. Once I got it home I gave it the one over checking for anything loose and water logged, it still started. The next weekend, put it back on the water, it ran a little longer and died, It never would stat again. Got it home and pulled out the plugs and they were wet and black ( these were new plugs). So this weekend, I got it started in the dry and it run ok, I hooked a hose to it and it run and had a dark gray smoke with a fair amount of oil in it. What run out on the ground was black. after a few minutes it began to die. Once it died it did the same thing run less till it would not start.

I am operating under a few ideas, but I dont know enough to prove any of them right or wrong.

Could it be drawing water into the cylinder?
Oil injector issue?
Carbs not adjusted correctly? Jets stuck open and just flooding it?

I don't know if the water is an issue or not. I would hate to run it long enough in the dry to dry to prove it.

I do have a shop manual, but I am not thriller with it because it covers all the models and has some generic stuff for them all and not the specific stuff for just the XP.

So now that I have written a book about it. Does anyone have some good info about it?

in the FYI column, I have put the Seadoo oil in it.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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I pulled the plugs and check the spark gap, it was way wrong on both skis. So I set them to .022, book said 20-24. The one smoking so bad does not smoke now. but it does not idle well.

The other one runs ok for a while then it runs bad. I have come to a new idea on it, but I am not sure. Give me some Ideas on this. Two of the four bolts are broke off that hold the tuned pipe to the engine (purple section to white section), the two are on the same end. I found it is blowing water out at that connection.

Heres the question. Since it is leaking there, is it possible that the pipe is filling with water and it not able to blow it out with the leak and the back pressure is now incorrect?

Get that leak fixed. You can't have the broken bolts letting water fly all over the engine compartment without it having an effect on the engine running smoothly. It may or may not be the problem but until you get that fixed you can't isolate anything else.
Water hot engine steam. I agree dont sound good to be sucked back into the engine. That could explain why if it sits it will run ok for a short time again.

Off to the dealer for bolts and gaskets today.
Muffler fix...

I think.
I took the tuned pipe off tonight and tried to extract the old broken bolts. I managed to break off the easy out in one, any idea how to get that out? The other, I just skipped over the extraction part and just drilled it and retapped the hole. put it all to gether and will try it on tuesday. Figured it needs to drie some more.

I talk to a guy at my local dealer and he seemed to think that the water was flooding it out and the exhaust was filling the hold and not letting the the engine get the oxygen it needs to run correctly.

The lose exhaust appears to create multiple problems.

While I was there I got new fuel filters to put in the carbs.

I will update you on the water leak when I test it.
Exhaust update

Headed for the water today just to see what was up. Before headin to the water, I pulled of the carb to check the filters in them. The front one (MAG?) I was able to pull it out without issue and WOW it was Full! So I put a new one in there. The other (PTO) carb, I could not get the screws out of and did not want to strip the heads, so I quit while I was ahead.

But one on the water. It ran WAY better than it had in a while. I put a bottle of carb cleaner in the take to help with anything I could not get too.

Any Idea how to get the screws out easily? I would really like to check the other filter.

The other Seadoo I did the same thing to it, set the idle to 3000, but it just wont idle nice and cleanly. I let it set and idle for about 5 minutes to help clean it out. Once I got to the lake I went to start it and it would not run, again. Tried till the battery got low. We went and played on the other and come back and the other one started on the trailer, backed it back into the water, you got it, I would not start again. It has done this everytime I get it wet. It IS afraid of the water.

Got any ideas on this?
The smoke issue is getting better the more it runs.
Affraid of the water

I made progress on the one that is affraid of the water. I have been reading over others with trouble similar to mine. Several were reporting issues with plug wires. So I took the advice and tried it on mine and Bingo! It started right up. I had to adjust the idle, but hey it was running without alot of effort for a change. So after I mowed my yard, I packed up and headed to the lake. Put them in (while jockeying for ramp time with the FLW BAss people) both skis fired up and my daughter and me idled them around the bay for a bit and then headed out to the lake. Both ran well for a while. The one that has given me the most trouble still is not perfect, but it is rideable now.

The two problems I have found now are not major, but do need to be addressed. The first one is the throttle cable will not pull all the way dow to the handle bar. This may be part of the cause of the second problem, but I am not sure. So anyone can fill me in on this part. If you take of and give it full throttle it will take of and go full speed, but if you are cruising along and punch it, it continues along and will pickup steam and then go full speed. but it may take it a few moments.

I'm not sure what the issue is but it bugs me so I will fix it.

Any good Ideas on this?

Oh and No I have not replaced the old gray fuel lines yet, but I intend too.
Since I did not hear from anyone on the throttle issue, I went and adjusted it. To make the throttle lever reach the hand grip, it has slop in it and wont go back to fully resting when you release it, so it has the potential for the cable to come out of the lever.

I adjusted it to as middle of the road as I could.

Anyone know what I may be missing.
Spring Sprung??

You think spring missing over sprung? Makes me wonder... Since it will throttle up, that as more air gets sucked in it may allow the gates to "float" some.

I'll have to ponder this idea for a bit.
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