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93 and 94 sp starting problems

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New Member
I recently picked up two seadoo bombarier's. I don't have the titles yet but from looking at the HIN I believe one is a 93 and one is a 94. These are my first pwc's. I'm having trouble starting both of them.

When I try to start the 93 by hitting the two buttons just above the seat, I get a click in the solenoid. Nothing else. The fuses are good. I'm not sure where to go from here.

The 94 has a kill switch on the left handle bar and a green button and black button above the seat. I won't start at all. Totally dead. I replaced the battery, checked the fuses. All good and still nothing. I jumped the solenoid with a wrench, and it turns over but won't start. It doesn't sound like it is getting any gas. I tried starting it with the gas switch on and on reserve.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
try this

Fist with the 93 you may have a weak battery try chrging it and if needbe jump the selonid and see what happens with the 94 check to see if you have spark and then worry about the fuel no spark no go. if you do find out you have spark try shooting some starter fluid down the holes of each ski just a little bit goes a long ways so use sparely. let us know how it goes!
on the 93 I put the new battery in it and I still just got the click. i'm going to check the connection to the starter.

The 94 didn't have any spark. I'm going to try new plugs and see I that helps. But i'm not sure why it won't turn over with the start button. it doesn't do anything unles I jump the solinoid.
switch the solenoid from the 94 to the 93, but after you've checked the connections and cables at starter, solenoid and battery, along with checking the ground cable. Also, think thers a fuse holder in there that should have a 15amp fuse.

If all cables..etc, are good/clean, then switch solenoids, this will atleast give you 1 running ski, that is, if the other relay is good.

For the 94, also 93, trim the plug wires back 1/4in from boots' ends', this makes clean contact, then with 94, check all fuses, cables..etc, then if no good, . Unplug the black/red wire between the mpem and coil and see if it starts If it does, you have an issue with a switch or the rev limiter in the mpem. If it doesn't, the stator or coil are the places to look. Also, if it does start with that unplugged, be prepared to kill with the choke since the stop and lanyard buttons are bypassed
sounds to me like you are trying to start the 94 by jumping the solenoid. this wont work... you must place the lanyard on the black button or at least hold it down. then push the green button to turn it over. once it is running the one on the handlebar is to kill it.

If you have nothing when pushing the green and black buttons at once then you can have one or multiple problems from any of the three switches.

the 93 sounds like a solenoid. you can get a lawnmower one from home depot that will work fine or if you are handy, you can drill the 4 pop rivets and clean the contacts and pop rivet it back together... ( done this 100's of times)
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