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92 sp no power to coils... is it the black box?

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New Member
Ok I just picked up two sea-doo's '92 and '93.. I have never owned a pwc of any kind before but have rebuilt and wired many dirtbikes atvs and such.. so I understand what I'm doing just not exactly how a PWC works completely, so before i start playing musical parts I would like a little help from some of you who are smarter than me in this field..

OK heres what I got. '92 sp 580 something cc motor engine is white... I have a good spin on the starter but no fire.. I have checked with a test light and I am getting power into the black ignition box, but the wire coming out is not feeding the coils with any power.. I replaced the two fuses on top to be sure, and the terminals inside do have juice. While the fuses were out I checked.. so here is my actual question.. is the black box bad, or is there some sort of "safety" that would be signaling it not to fire. I have gas and oil.. the rip cord is attached to the ignition button.. what esle should I look for.. I can pull the box off the '93 unless you think for some reason it won't work.. there are a few different terminal connectors but the wires look the same. I'm not trying to ramble but I just wanna get you enough info to get some good help.. thanks
throw'n a bone...

hey stud....Unplug the black/red wire between the mpem and coil and see if it starts. If it does, you have an issue with a switch or the rev limiter in the mpem. If it doesn't, the stator or coil are the places to look. Also, if it does start with that unplugged, be prepared to kill with the choke since the stop and lanyard buttons are bypassed
:) Hi, I saw your post, but I was not able to D/L the manuals, but will try to be
helpful, hopefully you can get the manual for those older Doo's. I gather that you
spun the engine, so maybe you meant electrically, not by hand spinning, so an
open circuit. A bad part, or a bad ground. A not fully charged battery. Thats the
four to diagnose. Your question was can you switch electric moduls? No you
cannot. The modules are specifically designed for the hardware each ski uses.
hardware is IE: VTS trim, speedometer, gas guage, oil gauge, tachometer, ect.
You have two power souces, a stator magnito that creates ac power that is
sent to the rectifier in the BOX to be changed into dc current, and is what recharges the battery after it directs current to the multi purpose electric module.
The Electric Module (mpem) funtions unless an open circuit occurrs. This can
happen if you spiked a part (an electrical spike) usually occures from jump starting
from a running vehicle (alternator mega-amps), OR a broken wire, OR the ground
has become faulty. The module ground is at the stator, behind the flywheel. The
starter gets a ground direct in order for it to revolve the engine. A bad burn in
the spark plug boot, can cause the open circuit to the ground (spark plug). So just
twist off the boot and cut 1/4" off fixes that, a dialectic grease at the connection
when you push it back on. If you have a multi meter, you can olm out individule
parts to ensure they are in working order, then go to the next part. This is when
these manuals really help as to step by step, walk you thru these check procedures.
You can get alot of info from Dominics website Seadoosouce.com for olm values
of your mpem ect. I suspect you are not getting ground to your box, as it can
go bad and corrode just from moisture, especially as the ski was closed up as it sat
and had no ventilation, like the seat off it, as stored. When it won't turn over, the
ground cable from the battery is notorious for corrosion at the bolt. It can be from
owner error, As I bought a 1993 sp and couldn't start it, as I pushed the handle bar
button. Didn't realize it was the STOP button, the start is next to the safty lanyard
switch. Your battery has to have a charge of app. 12.5 volts, or the mpem ON-timer will not let the mpem function. (after 33 secunds, if the motor is not started,
it turns ignition off). Hopefully you have a bad ground. I hope I was some help
so you can start checking the switches, ect.
Ok well that was all a mouthfull and I've read it about ten times to make sure I get it.. let me give a little more info since you guys have convered a lot in your two replies... first thank you for your help. Next the motor cranks over just fine.. it did have a bad starter and I replaced that.. it spins just fine.. I made sure the ground cable was well grounded when I put the new starter on..It has a brand new battery.. and I know that the fuse terminals on the MPEM are getting power to that unit.. As far as switching MPEM's they are identical bikes exactly.. just one year different.. same engine same features.. I can connect my lanyard and crank the engine with the starter button.. just no fire into the coils period.. nothing with juice seems to be leaving the mpem... I will check more grounds and cable connections but my past history with cdi boxes and such is giving me a hunch this thing is bad..... but I don't know enough about doos to know for sure.. basically if there is gas and oil and the lanyard and the starter is spinnign the motor it should start right? I mean as far as safety switches and things?I just wanna make sure you don't have to put one hand on your head and pat your knee or anything to start this thing up..
ok I just checked what timmyboy said to and I get juice to the coils when I unplug that red/black wire.. what does this mean.. is the MPEM toast?
The 1992 SP module 278000200
1993 SP module 278000262 As you can see, the two years have different
accessory hardware. As for just running the engine, YES the other module would
run either engine, as the timer inside the module ROM is calibrated the same.
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