90 bombadier ignition modual works in one but not the other? no current on exit side

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Hay Boy's happy summer.
here is the deal.
i have 2 1990 bombadiers.
got one working whoooo hoooo. i put the 95 carb in it and it runs better.
the other. im having trouble it this area.

Im not getting current to the spark plugs. so i tested the three wire connector comeing out of the Magnito. no current. i had the same condition with the other one but cleaned all connections and got sparks. now the previous owner said it wasent flushed out so i figured that maby the magnito and or fly wheel were rusted.
flywheel totaly rusted inside and about 5 teeth were broken.
GOT another flywheel.
cleaned contacts on magnito made sure all were clean.
installed flywheel.
am getting current out of Three wire connector from magnito. COOL Progress
but no current out the other side of IGNTIGION MODULE.?
took off Ignition Module from the second doo that runs. to see if it was the Module. made sense to me. Installed suspect IM on running doo and worked fine
hooked up Ignition Module. from running Doo
still no current comeing out of IM. that i know is good. now there is current comeing out of 3 wire connector from magnito.
cleaned 3wire connector ruffed up and closed gap on connectors to insure good connection. still no current out of IM?
Now i noticed that on the good running doo. the voltage comeing out of one side, 3 wire connector from magnito was positave and the other side neg.

but when i test 3 wire from magnito on the doo that is not running
both sids are showing Positave?

this dosent make sense to me but im not and expert by any means.
if the ignition modual works on one doo, and there is current comeing from the magnito. but no current exiting the IM one that is known to be good. ??????
kind of stumped. do i need to take of flywheel, magnito. and check for. grounded 3connector wire comeing out of Magnito. and trace it back further?

any and all help is always appricated. sorry for the long explination.
Frankie Ray your Hollywoodbadguy1. ps there are no shops in malibu or santa monica that i can take it to. thank you.
On the old skis... you have a unit called the speed limiter. It's a rev limiter, and a unit that isolates the high voltage power from the start/stop switches. It is common for them to go bad.

If you look in the gray electrical box... it is hiding under a plate... under the solenoid and voltage regulator.

Anyway... when they go bad... most of the time... you loose spark.
hay Tony thanks for the reply. i took the other doo out today to test the new 95 carb i put on it. it ran GREEATTTT thanks .
i was under the impression on the 1990 sp they dident have a rev limiter? if its the aluminum plate with the brown wire next to the IM. Ignition modual. then there is nothing in there. ill check in the gray box with all the wires and such to see if there is anything UNDER? but havent seen anything. would that make NO CURRENT COMEING OUT OF THE 3 WIRE CONNECTION FROM THE MAG? THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP Frankie Your hollywoodbadguy
if there isn't any current coming out of the stator... then it's bad. Check across the yellow wires. It shoudln't be open, or showing a ground.
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