You need to try advise offered, before you slam the forum!
This forum is member driven, so if your not getting a quick response it's because the members are out having fun. I re-read all of your "8" posts and it seems like you haven't really got a grasp on what is suggested to you to do. If you checked the pop off pressure like a member suggested it might have solved your problem also. Do you have a repair manual? If you want full attention to your problem than join as a premium member, and you'll get all the help you ask for...other wise you will have to wait till the regular members answer your question or a moderator gets a chance to help out. This forum is composed of 10,600 + members. There are a hand full of moderators that are non-paid volunteers like myself, that have years of experience and expertise. I personally answer 50 to 100 posts a day and answered one of your questions too, but you never responded if my advise even helped... If you don't take advise and try it, you'll never get your problem solved. Being belligerent in the forum will not help solve your problem, it will just get you ignored by the regular members.
I suggest you try some of the advice offered, ask questions if you don't understand the advise completely, or join as a premium member for more direct help to your problem.