Black67tb Member Jan 28, 2022 #1 I have a new gasket kit for my 787 engine. 1996 GTX. It came with 3 orange orings. I know two of them go around the head cover for spark plug. But I can't find any location in the manual for the 3rd. Is this just a spare? Attachments IMG_20220128_104055.jpg 184.6 KB · Views: 6
I have a new gasket kit for my 787 engine. 1996 GTX. It came with 3 orange orings. I know two of them go around the head cover for spark plug. But I can't find any location in the manual for the 3rd. Is this just a spare?
WhiskeyD Well-Known Member Jan 28, 2022 #2 I haven't built a 787 in a long time but I believe one of them is a different size than the other two and it goes on the crankshaft behind the PTO.
I haven't built a 787 in a long time but I believe one of them is a different size than the other two and it goes on the crankshaft behind the PTO.
P Poormanracing Active Member Jan 29, 2022 #4 Yes goes behind the pto carfull tight fit going over the threads.cut my nose picker plenty of times on the crank threads
Yes goes behind the pto carfull tight fit going over the threads.cut my nose picker plenty of times on the crank threads