[My experience rebuilding [2] 97 GTIs with the 717 engine... ] I think your two skis have diff carbs because at some point, one was replaced with what was available. -- 97s did not have an accel pump. 98's onward did. It appears the 97 carb verson is no longer available - or at least I cannot find one. All new carbs for that model include the pump. Here's another person in this situation: "
1997 seadoo gti carburetor type" ... ALSO, the replacement carb sold at OSD "
OSD Sea Doo 717 OEM Mikuni Replacement Carb with Accel" says, "Even if your Sea Doo didn't originally come with an accelerator pump, this one will work" -- // The carbs sold have the same body, but the jetting and adjustments are slightly different --
1997 SeaDoo GTI Carb# 270500297 BN-40I (SB) MAIN-175 PILOT-67.5
Needle 1.5 Spring 270500267 Pop 23-43 Adj LOW- 1 HIGH- 1-1/2 - no accel pump
1998 SeaDoo GTI Carb# 270500328 BN-40I-38 MAIN-167.5 PILOT-70
Needle 1.5 Spring 270500313 Pop 36-40 Adj LOW- 1-1/4 HIGH- 0 - has accel pump
ALSO, the low speed orifices are slightly different - in addition to the hole controlled by the low mixture adjust screw , the 97 has 3 tiny holes, the 98 only 2.
Sea Doo PWC Carburetor Reference
-- Now why the diff? I am supposing that Rotax, Mikuni, and SeaDoo engineers made the changes as an improvement [see OSD description. The OSD page does not list that carb as a repalcement for the 97, but the body and cable mounts are identical.] --- One more note -- there appears to be a "California version" where the low and hi mix adjustments are semi-permanently capped off with a brass cap [adjustment screws are underneath and not available for adjusment.] I have purchased such version in the past and it workd off the shelf with no adjustment just fine, but my preference would be to have the adjustment available.