3 year problem fixed. THREE FRACKIN' YEARS.

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So, as many of you know back 3 seasons ago I bought a 2002 XP from a guy who knew nothing about it. Engine was blown by him, rebuild by Don's Krapasaski in Hallam, PA (they do $hit work). Anyway, warranty until March. Engine blew a top end in May. (maybe june).

Replaced top end, however the engine had a modified head. It was shaved and had 2 more cooling lines than usual (normal is zero). I replaced that w/a factory head as I thought it was part of the issue. I wanted reliability.

Engine ran well, then did a lean run out on me. I didn't react fast enough. Thought it was ok, then the top end went. AGAIN.

Next got the top end redone. Engine ready to go. ONE TANK. ONE MOTHER F'N TANK later: Crank shaft goes. PTO side. what a noise that was.

In between all these the Stator fails as well, and the bilge pump. But not while the engine was out or anything. so that was fun.

Then I use SES engines to rebuild my engine, get it in and snap the gosh darn female birth giving piece of silly darn crap that is the TPS setup (oil pump side). By the time I get a new one, it's time to winterize it.

Spring 2012 (now): engine pulls strong, broken in, no issues... can't pass 6k regularly. I know the carbs are 10 years old and have seen salt water. NEW CARBS! (not cheap). I have my buddy inspect them (at this point I didn't do carbs). He said good to go. Put them on. Engine won't pass 6k, plugs look like it's running rich. Verify carb settings (needles) go through OVER 16 plugs. Engine SES did for me in my 99 GTX LTD runs like a freaking clock. hits 6950 WOT EVERY TIME, EVERYWHERE.

Engine in my XP does not. I call SES, they, without hesitation offer to rebuild it. I have another engine from them in my basement.

IN goes another engine. (and yes I've checked RAVEs, solenoids, valves, water reg, plugs, wires, every damn thing you could ever want to check has been REPLACED, NEW TWICE. Bilge pump stops working... traced to a bad ground! that was fun to find!

New engine; SAME issue. Tom at SES suggest new reeds, I throw in some carbon tech ones and new plugs, works like a charm... then within 1/4 tank, stuck at 6K.

I find the TPS switch isn't being activated (0v WOT)... fix that. new plugs, issue fixed! Ohh no, no it's not.

Out of desperation I start looking for another 02 XP w/low hours. As neither my wife nor I can take this any more. I've pissed away THOUSANDS on this ski.

So, finally I say hey I have 2 sets of carbs on my bench. I was going to mail them out to Doc to take a look at, get a 2nd opinion. I saw my old ones and thought how hard can this be?

I took apart a single carb. found the jets, pop off jet, and the filter. ok, that was fun. I read the #s on the jets from the carbs that came with the ski. NEITHER JET IS RIGHT FOR A STOCK ENGINE. OHH SNAP. THREE FRACKING YEARS OF TIME, MONEY, STRESS, and temptation to toss the ski in a dumpster after using a sledge on it?!


I toss in the right jets; $5.00 later.

ENGINE SCREAMS. It will actually cavitatate the freaking prop! If the engine is warm and I punch it from IDLE. it will SLAM up to 7,200 RPM, then settle back when it grips the water! I've NEVER seen a 951 do that. This is a NEW Concord 15/20 and NEW wear ring / jet pump. It won't always do this, usually it grabs 6,200ish RPM then rides up to 6800-6900 WOT.

Ran 2.5 tanks though it, plugs look GREAT, pulls spec of 6800 WOT (not 7k due to concord), runs perfectly next to my 02 GTX that has 50 hours on it. WOT is 64, touching 65 GPS.

I've never been so happy as yesterday at Raystown lake... or so sore. SO many huge boats to follow.

Thank you to SES engines who, without missing a beat, tried to trouble shoot and even rebuild an engine based upon my stupidity. Also thanks to my wife for not leaving me...

This just reinforces my don't trust anyone, and if you want it done right, do it your self.

Now, I do carbs. There isn't anything hard about them, they are just parts. Clean yours today.
hmmmmm...so small but yet so important...so im guessing that i am stuck with my 96 xp huh..SHOOT now i have to go unhook the trailer...LOLO glad you got it fixed.....actually i couldnt come down anyways i hit a tree with my jeep the other night while mudding...fun fun...3000 worth of damge later it will be doene in a week ...
kudo's for finally figuring it out !!!
I know how frustrating that stuff can be, but i'm glad you got it resolved. Persistence pays !
Congrats on getting it back to peak performance. So did the jets end up being the 75 and 162.5 size? Just wondering b/c I've read the stock carbs on my 97.5 GSXL were lean and caused some failures. I know the carbs are different, but if they're the same size, seems like they should be using the same jets.
Stock for a 02 XP is 75 / 162.5 (what i have now).

The 95.7 951 white engine is an off year, I am not familiar with it, sorry.
Yep... when you PM'ed me about the jetting... I knew it wasn't good.

I'm glad that all worked out... and since SES did a good job for you... I'll make sure to recomend them more. BUT.... A&L Motorsports may start rebuilding too.
Yep... when you PM'ed me about the jetting... I knew it wasn't good.

I'm glad that all worked out... and since SES did a good job for you... I'll make sure to recomend them more. BUT.... A&L Motorsports may start rebuilding too.

That would be a great addition to your repertoire.
Nice! Glad to hear another problem solved. Isn't it awesome when it is running the way it is suppose to after all the time and effort.

Enjoy the rest of your summer with it!
Had it out tonight. Wasted lots of fuel "checking" the WOT RPM every 10 min. Still 6850 :).

Guess its time now to mod it up to hold 7200 ;)
I am also happy for the rodent. Maybe he won't have to keep a spare engine around now.:blush:

No really SBR, congrats! I know nothing of 951's......I bet that thing is awesome. Enjoy!
hmmmmm...so small but yet so important...so im guessing that i am stuck with my 96 xp huh..SHOOT now i have to go unhook the trailer...LOLO glad you got it fixed.....actually i couldnt come down anyways i hit a tree with my jeep the other night while mudding...fun fun...3000 worth of damge later it will be doene in a week ...

Were you just selling your 96 xp on craigslist. If not someone is using your picture
Nice lol... Thought about boring the jet pump 1 - 2mm? Higher pitch prop, let more water thru bring up rpm.

I've been told to try this. I do have a spare pump or two... how does one do that? can't I just change the nozzle? Larger nozzle = more hole shot, smaller = more top speed. (correct)?

I was also thinking more HP would hold more RPM.

SES is building me a higher than stock compression engine at the moment, they said for 93 octane... I plan to give that go if there's enough summer left, or maybe just toss it in this winter.
I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but from what I have read I believe it would be the opposite of that.

regardless i'm not saying to open it up that much. myself an running lower rpms, but i'm running the solas xo which is more for a modded ski. But I have read and advice from doc to try taking off 1mm to start to see . because the impeller can turn the water better than stock, it just can't come out as fast. So doing that should allow more water thru and in turn increase rpm and increase top speed.

Start with 1mm and see, then another 1mm, but not more then 2mm total.

If I had extra pumps I would do that first thing.
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Ok, so if i wanted to do that, how would I?

Actually, tell you what; let's make a new thread, to keep this on topic...
Ha good question... I guess the best way would be a boring machine.... However it is just plastic, I don't see why you can't use a table saw. Strap it down, make sure level and cut. Again it is only 1mm that would be half a blade cut.

That's my plan.
That's my plan
Cool..... Just read your last part.

Start it... I have another idea on how to do it as well ;-) lol
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