2020 Wake Pro 230, cranks turns over but want start.

What troubleshooting steps have you taken?
Nothing to speak of. I had just replaced a new battery that I had also charged up overnight and put in water to try to start. And it didn’t. Checked fuel. No codes popped up. Started raining so my sons and I tried our best to get it back on the pwc dock but couldn’t. So tied it off.
I hat to tow it to the landing and take to a shop if something stupid like a fuse.
It doesn’t have many hours on it so I can’t see how it could be a starter or solenoid or relay.
I can smell fumes. While trying to start it.
"Checked fuel"? Does that mean you checked the fuel level or the fuel pressure? Is the ski at a shop now?
My gauge shows 3/4. And I opened the fuel cap and looked inside and there is indeed fuel in there about 3/4 full. It’s fairly fresh refilled 7/4 weekend. Non ethanol always.
It is tied to my dock. Not at a shop. I’m hoping it’s something silly like a fuse I can repair / replace in the water or on shore.
I'd get it out of the water and into a garage first. Then you need to determine if the engine is getting spark & fuel.