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2016 GTX Lmt 260 Codes P1106 P0113

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What's up guys

I have a GTX 260 with a check engine light and limp mode. Unfortunately the display is sun burnt so I cannot read any messages. I get one long beep and that's it. It will start if I hit the throttle while cranking. Then it will idle perfect on the hose. I haven't had a chance to water test it, maybe tomorrow. But I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts on what it could be. Also, the check engine light doesn't come on until after it starts, when I wake the ski all is well, idk if that matters or not.
,,,I am not sure if you can test it?...I don't know...I am sure someone with more knowledge will chime in.
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If you google those 2 codes,,,for seadoo 4tecs,,,most of the solutions were about cleaning/securring connections,,,check them out.
Very often that symptom is the rear oil pressure switch going,,,change it out and see what happens.
The newest version of the oil pressure switch has proven to be very reliable. They switched from a normally closed(black) to a normally open(gray) switch around 09. They were terrible on the early 4tecs but the new style has been excellent so I wouldn't just change it out as a first thing.

Both of those codes together is usually a throttle body problem, air leak, or a leaking intercooler. One is the MATS and the other is the MAPS so is centered around intake manifold issue. Remove oil first and change spark plugs, as that can cause all kinds of problems and then retest.
The newest version of the oil pressure switch has proven to be very reliable.
I went through 3 in the last year. Took it to the dealer for a full diagnostic and they couldn't find anything wrong other than the bad switches.
Ok, so I found the bad wire to the MAP Sensor, got rid of the open circuit code, the 0113, now I just have the 1106, the altitude issue, any thoughts?
Still a MAPS problem. The P0113 was a MATS problem. Very different sensors but close to each other.
Still a MAPS problem. The P0113 was a MATS problem. Very different sensors but close to each other.
Yes, the MATS issue was an obvious and easy fix. This issue is the altitude factor and there's no recommendation on how to fix it. Im aware that they are two different sensors. Could it just be a faulty MAP sensor? I haven't heard of them going bad. I have the Blue MAT sensor which is supposed to be the better one. I'm hoping it isn't an ecu issue.
Yes, MAPS fail especially when they get wet. Change it and check wiring is the first step. I would also make sure your intercooler isn't leaking.
Yes, MAPS fail especially when they get wet. Change it and check wiring is the first step. I would also make sure your intercooler isn't leaking.

So I swapped my MAP from my RXP and it seems to run perfect now...and now my RXP odoesn't, so definitely the sensor. It didn't seem wet or abnormal. How would I go about seeing if the intercooler is leaking?
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