This has now happened to me twice, both time while pulling a tube at a low speed of about 20 mph. The boat suddenly completely died. The digital display went blank and the engine would not crank. No beeps or warnings or error codes. The bilge pump and blower still worked, so there was electrical power. After about 10 minutes sitting dead in the water, when I attached the lanyard to the start key, the display would come up normally, but then go blank again after about 3s, then doing this again in another couple of minutes the display would come up and go blank after 10s. This repeated, the display coming up for a longer period each time until after about ½ hour the displayed stayed on, the engine started and the boat ran fine back to the launch ramp.
Seems some electronic component is over-heating and then self-heating beyond some temperature limit until it is finally cool enough. The shop manual does not have a wiring diagram (Would like to find one?), but it seems to me that there are really only three electronic components on the boat, the digital display, the voltage rectifier, and the engine ECU. I replaced the voltage rectifier after the first event, but that was not the problem. Seems like the only other thing it could be is the engine ECU. The engine bay was very hot. The boat will cruise at 40-50 mph without a problem; pulling the tube seems to cause the over-heating of something. Does the ECU have over-heating protection causing it to turn off? Any other ideas of why this is happening and how to prevent/fix it?
Seems some electronic component is over-heating and then self-heating beyond some temperature limit until it is finally cool enough. The shop manual does not have a wiring diagram (Would like to find one?), but it seems to me that there are really only three electronic components on the boat, the digital display, the voltage rectifier, and the engine ECU. I replaced the voltage rectifier after the first event, but that was not the problem. Seems like the only other thing it could be is the engine ECU. The engine bay was very hot. The boat will cruise at 40-50 mph without a problem; pulling the tube seems to cause the over-heating of something. Does the ECU have over-heating protection causing it to turn off? Any other ideas of why this is happening and how to prevent/fix it?